加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新表IMM008
请问各位高人 新表IMM008中Immigration office requested for processing this application是什么意思,怎么填啊?
回复: 新表IMM008Guide to Immigrating 3999E 第15页4. Immigration Office requested for the processing of your applicationIndicate the name of the Immigration Office (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.asp)which serves:*your country of nationality, or*the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one year.点蓝色字的Immigration Office就会有连接出来,在连接页面找到People’s Republic of China,显示Beijing or Hong Kong本人认为如在国内应该写Beijing, P.R.China 或者 Hong Kong, P.R.China
回复: 新表IMM008啊,这项要填么?我都空着的。
回复: 新表IMM008好象根据这个填表的指引,这项是不要填的,直接跳过的,没有红格子显现啊。
回复: 新表IMM008就是要求审理你的申请的大使馆,说白了,境外申请就是加拿大驻京大使馆和加拿大驻港使馆
好好学习,天天向上!Guide to Immigrating 3999E 第15页4. Immigration Office requested for the processing of your applicationIndicate the name of the Immigration Office (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/apply-where.asp)which serves:*your country of nationality, or*the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one year.点蓝色字的Immigration Office就会有连接出来,在连接页面找到People’s Republic of China,显示Beijing or Hong Kong本人认为如在国内应该写Beijing, P.R.China 或者 Hong Kong, P.R.China点击展开...
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