加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?


我是?自香港的, 看?真的很少香港人移民了...腠然我?跟攘南地?的一些朋友也是在香港VO揠理移民申?, 但要求文件不同、次序也不太一?, 有?真的有?lonely呢...我8月26日做了良民酌, ?在已天天等?信了, 真是太焦急...:(

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?支持一下!

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?Xie Xie!!

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?香港朋友一般办多久?

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?香港VO?理多?地?的申?, 80%的?案需要19?月.可是香港VO??都?有?分?自不同地?申?者的?理?殓.所以我也很膣估?要多久.我老公真他朋友的老婆(香港人)4?月就?批了..但?不用太久, 等待真的钊累人..

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?香港的护照可以直接去加拿大啊。没什么累人的。如果工作的原因不能去的话。。你可以想想。批出去了。也要放弃工作。可以先放弃工作出去一下。回来重新找。哈哈。。开个玩笑。。其实还好了。请个假。出去几天。也没那么苦。香港工资也高。偶尔出去一下。。应该压力不大。哪像在大陆。首先金钱上的压力。大多数那没么高的收入。其次就是签证上的压力。通常如果有金钱上的压力也代表了探亲很难申请下来。

人生就是努力的活着等死香港的护照可以直接去加拿大啊。没什么累人的。如果工作的原因不能去的话。。你可以想想。批出去了。也要放弃工作。可以先放弃工作出去一下。回来重新找。哈哈。。开个玩笑。。其实还好了。请个假。出去几天。也没那么苦。香港工资也高。偶尔出去一下。。应该压力不大。哪像在大陆。首先金钱上的压力。大多数那没么高的收入。其次就是签证上的压力。通常如果有金钱上的压力也代表了探亲很难申请下来。点击展开...您真得也?啊...我倒?有想咿?酌的?力, 原?我已?算'幸福'了..我想我的心焦急, 除了能快?重新檫始新生活外, 也有些原因是我想快?滕檫我的工作, 想起年底又要檫始的忙碌工作...我快要?了...所以真的每天也很渴望有奇?出?...其?呃?的心?去工作, 也不太好的..

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?点解香港人也上家园?我还以为香港有自己高登网添

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?点解香港人也上家园?我还以为香港有自己高登网添点击展开...希望大家不?排斥我啦 ...因?香港人已很少移民外?了, 所以?有本地的移民??..

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?欢迎~你系几时递交申请资料架?

Final waiting.欢迎~你系几时递交申请资料架?点击展开...中秋?快?啊!End of May - Application sent from VancouverJuly 15 - sponsorship approvedJuly 26 - HK office application receivedAug 6 - HK office requested another set of photosAug 26- HK office requested certificate of no criminal record?在每天也在查信箱, 度日如年...

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?我也是香港的,不是sponsor。我3月尾submitted application,6月料,8月31DM,9月1收到PL要求寄passport到大使,5月。以上timeline可供考。若料,你的不等得太久。

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?So weird! Some of the Chinese characters are missing. I meant I am a sponsor. It took 5 months for the decision made on our application. Don't panic. Yours will be fine as long as your application materials are received in order. Our timeline is just for your reference.

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?So weird! Some of the Chinese characters are missing. I meant I am a sponsor. It took 5 months for the decision made on our application. Don't panic. Yours will be fine as long as your application materials are received in order. Our timeline is just for your reference.点击展开...Thank you so much, GNiL! 你跟太太是香港人? 想你是3月尾交SPONSOR的applicationr? 如果是,你的CASE也算快完成啊.我8月22日收到事的信, 要求我交良民. 另外, 信中到"upon receipt of satisfactory medical results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa"...我的medical results 已做好了, 我在想下步有什呢...中秋快!!

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?Thank you so much, GNiL! 你跟太太是香港人? 想你是3月尾交SPONSOR的applicationr? 如果是,你的CASE也算快完成啊.我8月22日收到事的信, 要求我交良民. 另外, 信中到"upon receipt of satisfactory medical results and all outstanding documents we expect to finalize your application and issue a visa"...我的medical results 已做好了, 我在想下步有什呢...中秋快!!点击展开...I'm living in Hong Kong and will be going back to Canada with my dearest, who is from the Mainland. I guess they will process your case upon receipt of your police certificate and medical results, and DM it soon ;).On May 24, we received a similar letter which stated waiving an selection interview and requested the submission of additional documents in 45 days. We sent them out on June 8. Nothing happened until July 9, when our status became MER; followed by IP on August 15. FINALLY we got DM on August 29 as shown on CIC Website! We received a letter dated the same next day requesting the submission of applicant's passport for visa processing. For applicants from the Mainland, they have to do the medical examination ahead and submit with their application.

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?中秋快啊!End of May - Application sent from VancouverJuly 15 - sponsorship approvedJuly 26 - HK office application receivedAug 6 - HK office requested another set of photosAug 26- HK office requested certificate of no criminal record在每天也在查信箱, 度日如年...点击展开...中秋快乐!我比你早3个月递交资料,你都系去Vancouver架?我都系喔,我老公系香港人。我今个月底去香港interview。我前段时间都系度日如年啊!不过宜家起码等到interview,希望快D啦。

Final waiting.I'm living in Hong Kong and will be going back to Canada with my dearest, who is from the Mainland. I guess they will process your case upon receipt of your police certificate and medical results, and DM it soon ;).On May 24, we received a similar letter which stated waiving an selection interview and requested the submission of additional documents in 45 days. We sent them out on June 8. Nothing happened until July 9, when our status became MER; followed by IP on August 15. FINALLY we got DM on August 29 as shown on CIC Website! We received a letter dated the same next day requesting the submission of applicant's passport for visa processing. For applicants from the Mainland, they have to do the medical examination ahead and submit with their application.点击展开...Hi GNiL, I am so happy for you and your dear! Just asking, what did they ask you to submit in May? Is it your own certificate of no criminal record? I read in other forums that Letter of Release from the Tax Department is also required too. I'm just wondering if I need to hand in the similar stuff soon..By the way, do you know what MER stands for? Medical results received? Coz I'm a Hong Kong resident, I've already finished my medical checks before I handed in my applications.Thank you so much for answering!!

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?中秋快乐!我比你早3个月递交资料,你都系去Vancouver架?我都系喔,我老公系香港人。我今个月底去香港interview。我前段时间都系度日如年啊!不过宜家起码等到interview,希望快D啦。点击展开...?呀, 我老公住o??哥攘呀, 我而家在香港, 一?工作一?等, 真?度日如年呀..希望大家都快d啦...

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀?大家好,我系广州E边咖~不过下年先结婚,下年先递件吖~所以提前混住论坛先了~

回复: 呃彦有?有?自香港的朋友呀??呀, 我老公住o??哥攘呀, 我而家在香港, 一?工作一?等, 真?度日如年呀..希望大家都快d啦...点击展开...你老公住系温哥华边度?Richmond?

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