加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题
我和前妻的孩子(今年11岁,监护权归母亲),因孩子母亲坚决反对,没有参加移民体检,放弃了和我一起移民的申请,我也无奈在不再担保孩子去加拿大的表上签了字,不知将来,如果前妻想通了,同意孩子移民加拿大,有没有什么办法或路径,还可以斤孩子办理团聚移民? 这里,先感谢提供指导和帮助的网友!如果存在法律途径,愿意请律师处理这个问题。我的QQ:513729396
回复: 棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题没办法。。。等孩子大了给他办留学。。。或给你前妻做媒人,让你前妻在加拿大找到她另一半。。。
回复: 棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题给前做媒人,太亏了吧~~~~~~要是孩子以后把她爸申请过去,还不把我活活气死。
回复: 棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题need some legal documents like1. you ex-wife like give up the child's custody2. you want child 's custody3. and letters some pictures... you write to you child (or even phone bills)to show government how much you love child
回复: 棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题Maleva's suggestion sounds more reasonable, many thanks, but I just wonder whether it is practicable in law. In addition to the documents, what else should I do to treat the thing ? Any further advice will be much appreciated.
回复: 棘手的斤和前妻的孩子办理团聚移民问题further more you probably need write a letter explain to officer ....whyyou want back custody of you child.....why you ex wife want give up custody of child....is she remarried or some other reason. that is all i have know here...good luck to you and you child.
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