加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助大家:怎么办沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明
大家好, 我几年前在沙特阿拉伯工作过。 目前正准备团聚移民的资料, 请问大家,我怎么才能拿到沙特的无犯罪证明呢? 注:(1)我联系过曾经工作过的单位, 但单位早已迁址并换过多位领导,拒绝给我出任何证明。 (2)我联系过中国驻沙特大使馆,同样是拒绝办理。 (3)我1个月前给沙特驻北京使馆写过信,没有收到任何回复。 请问大家我到底该怎么办呢?谢谢。
回复: 求助大家:怎么办沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明你可以把这些情况写邮件告诉加拿大使馆,让他们帮你出个证明说要求你办沙特的无犯罪,你再去找沙特使馆办
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508回复: 求助大家:怎么办沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/mid-east/saudi-arabia.asp How to obtain a police certificateSaudi ArabiaDo I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?Yes. However, certificates are available only to current and past legal residents. How and where do I obtain one?If you need a police certificate, your immigration processing office will give you a request letter. If you have any questions about this, please contact your immigration processing office. If you live in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaIf your application is being processed at the Canadian High Commission in London, you are not required to obtain a police certificate until the London visa office sends you a police certificate request letter with instructions on how to apply.If you are applying at the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE, you should submit the police certificate with your application. You can contact the visa office for a request letter at fax: (971 2) 694-0396 or e-mail: [email protected] Please include your immigration file number if you have one.For applications being processed at any other office, request letters may be obtained by email: [email protected] or fax: 966-1-488-9657. Please include the file number, the office where you applied and your mailing address. The police certificate request letter will be sent to you by mail. You must present this letter, along with valid identification and proof of legal residency in Saudi Arabia to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If they approve you, you must then apply for the police certificate in person at the relevant police headquarters. If you live outside the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaConsult the nearest Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for information on how to obtain a police certificate.If your application is being processed in Canada, you are not required to obtain a police certificate until the Case Processing Centre sends you a police certificate request letter. For instructions on how to apply for a police certificate, consult the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia located in Ottawa: http://www.mofa.gov.sa/Detail.asp?InSectionID=2813&InNewsItemID=65066
回复: 求助大家:怎么办沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明谢谢大家. 我就是想把所有的材料都准备齐了,然后2月份一起递交, 避免以后被要求补料,也节省时间. 沙特人办事很拖拉的,真是不放心啊.
回复: 求助大家:怎么办沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明沙特阿拉伯的无犯罪证明有人办好了吗?我也要办,请知道的帮忙说说具体该怎么办?谢谢!
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