加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急问,the number of persons included in undertakings in ef
IMM5481要求填写[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif'] persons included in undertakings in effect and not yet in effect,请教各位大侠,我曾经SPonsor我的前妻,但是已经超过三年了,她还属于NOT YET IN EFFECT吗?我现在正在申请的我的太太,也是属于NOT yet IN EFFECT 吗?[/FONT][FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']多谢了[/FONT]
回复: 急问,the number of persons included in undertakings in effect and not yet in effect看你前期是否已经成为PR或者公民,如果成了,就属于已经生效的。你现在的妻子当然属于没有生效的。看我在论坛5481的译文吧。或者你自己再仔细读读指南的原文。
好好学习,天天向上!回复: 急问,the number of persons included in undertakings in effect and not yet in effect谢谢指点,也就是说即使以前担保的人拿到PR的时间已经超过了三年,仍然视为in effect,是吗?而我现在正在申请的我太太的担保,在这次申请里就应该视为not yet in effect了?
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