加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民是寄护照信吗?
请大家帮忙看看这封信的内容是不是要求我寄护照原件到香港呢?Dear applicant, Pending a final assessment of admissibility criteria to ensure that all requirements have been met, your permanent resident application may be ready for approval and visa issuance in the near future. In order to finalize your application more quickly, we are requesting your passport(s) at this time.You must submit your passport(s) to this office within 45 days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. Read and follow the important information and instructions set below.Important information:l You must report now in writing to this office any change in your marital status or family composition which you have not previously reported. This includes birth or death of a child, death or divorce of a spouse, marriage contracted by yourself or by any of your dependent children on your application, new custody arrangements regarding your children, an adoption involving you and your spouse. l Once you receive your passport(s) with visa(s), please check the visa expiry date carefully (it is usually one year after the completion of your medical exam), as you must travel to Canada before this date. If you fail to use your visa(s) before this date, you will not be able to become a permanent resident as your visa(s) will be invalid and you will be required to start the entire procedure from the beginning of the process, including submitting a new application and fee. No extension to this date is possible. Your permanent resident visa and those of your family members, if any, will be valid to the earliest of two dates:1/ the validity of your medical report or the validity of your family member’s medical report if you have a family member on your application; or2/ the validity of your passport or the passport of your family member, if you have a family member on your application. Therefore if your or your family member’s passport expires before your medical report, first obtain new passport(s) and then forward them to this office for visa issuance. l You must travel to Canada before the expiration date of your permanent resident visa. This office will not reopen and process your application because you fail to use your permanent resident visa before it expires.l No follow-up or reminder letter will be sent. Therefore, you are requested to immediately react to the instruction set in this letter. How to submit your passport:1/ the total number of passports you are required to submit is ____1_____.2/ each passport must contain at least (2) blank pages for visa documentation. 3/ send your passport by mail or courier to this office: Courier address: Consulate General of Canada Immigration section 12/F, One exchange square 8 Connaught place HongkongMail address: Consulate General of Canada Immigration section G.P.O.Box 11142 Hongkong4/ your passport will be returned to you by registered mail-complete the attached form and submit it with your passport- the address you provide on this form will be the address we use to return your passport.5/ due to the volume of visa processing at this office, it generally takes us 20 working days to issue permanent resident visa documentation and return your passport.急急急啊,理解的朋友请快点回复我,谢谢.
回复: 是寄护照信吗?恭喜先,对,就是要你寄护照,加另外一张表(要填FN号和中/英文回邮地址),挂号信寄到Mail address就可以了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 是寄护照信吗?谢谢,但是还要我寄护照复印件及其他补充资料去啊,这封信真的是叫我寄护照原件去吗?希望大家都帮我看看啦,谢谢.
回复: 是寄护照信吗?恭喜lz 啊!希望沾沾喜气 ps:是交原件给他们贴visa的,而且要指定日期前,尽快准备好吧~~ 请问lz是递交了多久后到交护照呢?
中中 HKcase:9.19签收--12.2DM1--12.21AR+FN--4.17bb补料/5.4bb补料信--5.11mer--5.31dna信--6.1老公'DNA/6.14BB&我'DNA--7.14IP--7.27补护检信/7.30补护检--8.10DM2--8.17大信封***我要和最爱的恒恒团聚成功,每日都见到对方,组织一个属于我们的小家庭?(?3?)?***回复: 是寄护照信吗?我2年啦,好久啦.
回复: 是寄护照信吗?香港和北京的催护照信的版本完全不同啊,北京的好像简单多了。
回复: 是寄护照信吗?恭喜,我的催寄护照信也是这样的,照办就是了。
回复: 是寄护照信吗?想问问johney,你护照从寄出去到拿到签证总共花了多长时间才收到啊?
回复: 是寄护照信吗?从寄护照到收到大信封大概一个月左右。
回复: 是寄护照信吗?我收到这信的时候已经过期了,因为他1月17好香港寄出。我3月8号广州收到,早过期了,自己带着passport跟这过期信直接跑香港大使馆拼一下(4月3号体检就要过期了)大使馆要我先买机票,确定我可以在4月3号之前登陆,才给我发visa
回复: 是寄护照信吗?楼主也2年了,09年的case ?
回复: 是寄护照信吗?这个是先收护照的信 因为写着your visa may be ready 而还不是appear to be ready不过寄了护照先一般都不用面试了 等一会很快就有结果啦!
2011.3.8寄出-3.9 CIC签收(当地时间)-4.7DM-4.15AR-4.28FN信寄出-5.11FN信收到-5.15补料信发出-5.29寄出补料-5.30HK收到补料-7.9查到MER-08.18IP -9.8取签信发出-9.9 查到双DM-9.19寄出护照-10.2大信封寄到-10.6取到大信封-12.11成功登临!!回复: 是寄护照信吗?好想收到此信啊。。。熬啊熬。。。熬成婆
*香港case* --- 5.27.国内DHL寄出,6.1.签收,7.15.DM,7.25. AR&Mer,8.1。FN加补料信。11.9.IP。11.28.双DM ,12.28.护照签收2.1 毕业。算不上火箭但要比预期的要快非常之多~~~~~~在这里要感谢家园这个大论坛童鞋们的帮助!!回复: 是寄护照信吗?总之就是烦啊.
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