加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民?拿到?保,父母一?在??,一?在加拿大
背景:2007.9月哝交?保申?2011.11.25 接到厌料通知2012.03.06 厌料2012.04.11 ?保通咿?在母尤在加,父尤在??,不知道有?有?似情?的案子,大概什??候能拿到篦?通知,?在哪彦?理案子,能否在??地方分?篦?希望有?似??的分享著著。
回复: ?拿到?保,父母一?在??,一?在加拿大The letter includes a file number, but couldn't tell which location my file was sent to, in the letter it says: Should you need to submit additional information, please contact:CPP OttawaCase Processing Pilot - Ottawa I don't know if my case is going to be processed in Canda. Please share any experience if you have similar situation. Thanks
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