加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明顶,同上问题,继续等
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明曾?在香港居住,??得在香港警察局做。但得等cic办要求信,再拿著信到警察局揠。我周五(12年2月10日)?揠了。但我是香港身份酌揠的。提前一天??盍俭,申?咿程只需要十?分?....
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明要去香港办证
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明请问一定要等CIC要求补料的时候才能办吗?能不能在递交材料之前办理呢?一定要香港警署自己邮寄到领事馆吗?这里能下载到Request for Police Certificate的表格,不知道这个能用么?http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5527AB_E.pdf谢谢。
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明有香港本地办理,海外申请办理两种我也是大陆身份,港澳通行证经常去香港,联络地址写的香港地址,领事馆补护信里还有一封叫补香港的无刑证明,去香港湾仔的警务总署办理证明,必须要提供领事馆叫你去办理的这封信他们才给受理,然后4个星期内警务署自己发证明给领事馆。
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明Police certificatesIf you and your family members who are 18 years of age and older and are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens have to provide:a valid police certificate, orpolice clearance, orrecord of no information.These documents are to be provided for each country other than Canada, in which you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18.Note: If you or your family members were under 18 years of age (16 years of age in certain jurisdictions) for the entire time you lived in a particular country, you do not need to provide a police certificate for that country.The certificate must have been issued no more than three months prior to submitting your application. If the original certificate is not in English or French, then you will need to submit both the certificate and the original copy of the translation prepared by an accredited translator.It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities. When doing so, you may have to:pay a fee for the service, andprovide information or documentation such as:photographs,fingerprints,your addresses and periods of residence in the country or territory.We will also do our own background checks to determine if there are grounds under which you and your dependants may be inadmissible to Canada.Please consult our website for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.CIC 的意思是不是原件?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_sc/11_useful_info/cert_no_crime.html
回复: 急,请教,在香港居住期间的无犯罪证明我前面回答的信息有所遗漏,特此补充一下。香港警署的无刑证明有香港本地和海外申请两种办理方式,人在海外的也有一种特别办理途径,具体细节可查询香港警署的网站分页:http://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_sc/11_useful_info/cert_no_crime.html (引用楼上朋友提供的网址)。
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