加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于担保配偶的问题


各位朋友们,咨询一个问题。我之前担保过前妻来加拿大 ,前妻登陆2年多了 现在已经离婚了一年了 最近家人一直介绍中国的女孩,可是最近小道消息听说,要隔5年后才可以重新担保配偶。想问下各位政府是不是出台了这样的新政策啊

回复: 关于担保配偶的问题是的。而且前妻登陆2年多,现在离婚一年,就是说,登陆一年多后离婚。VO完全能认为你做了商婚、假婚。后续申请灰常不利。

回复: 关于担保配偶的问题是的。而且前妻登陆2年多,现在离婚一年,就是说,登陆一年多后离婚。VO完全能认为你做了商婚、假婚。后续申请灰常不利。点击展开...可是我前段婚姻是真实的 只是在一起生活出现了问题才离婚的 那我该怎么办啊 家人一直介绍中国女孩 现在被你说一下 打消这个念头了

回复: 关于担保配偶的问题要隔5年后才可以重新担保配偶。这个情况是指你的前妻吧?

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake要隔5年后才可以重新担保配偶。这个情况是指你的前妻吧?点击展开...我就是想知道是我前妻还是说我啊 因为之前我是担保人 前妻是被担保人 我知道被担保人如果要再担保人要5年,可是我不知道我如果想再担保人需不需要5年时间

回复: 关于担保配偶的问题你可以担保你未来的妻子,不需要等5年

2012.05.25 签收;2012.07.19 AR1;2012.07.24 DM1+MER各位朋友们,咨询一个问题。我之前担保过前妻来加拿大 ,前妻登陆2年多了 现在已经离婚了一年了 最近家人一直介绍中国的女孩,可是最近小道消息听说,要隔5年后才可以重新担保配偶。想问下各位政府是不是出台了这样的新政策啊点击展开... ?保人滕婚後,再?保新的配偶,要相隔三年?殓。如果你目前?在?保你前妻的三年期殓,你就??再?保新配偶。如下摘自cic咀站:"You must provide financial support for a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident.""Relationships that are not eligible You cannot be sponsored as a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner if:your sponsor previously sponsored another spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, and three years have not passed since that person became a permanent resident. "被?保人成?永久居民滕婚後,再?保新配偶入境要在自己入境五年後才有儋格,呃不是小道消息。但是??是就新配偶而言,其他??的?聚移民?保不在此列。(?人理解)如下是cic咀站所言:"Five-year Sponsorship Bar for persons who were sponsored to come to Canada as a spouse or partner On March 2, 2012, changes to the eligibility requirements for sponsors came into force. These changes bar a previously-sponsored spouse or partner, from sponsoring a new spouse or partner within five years of becoming a permanent resident, even if the sponsor acquired citizenship during that period. Other members of the family class will not be affected by the regulatory changes."

回复: 关于担保配偶的问题?保人滕婚後,再?保新的配偶,要相隔三年?殓。如果你目前?在?保你前妻的三年期殓,你就??再?保新配偶。如下摘自cic咀站: "You must provide financial support for a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident." "Relationships that are not eligible You cannot be sponsored as a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner if: your sponsor previously sponsored another spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, and three years have not passed since that person became a permanent resident. " 被?保人成?永久居民滕婚後,再?保新配偶入境要在自己入境五年後才有儋格,呃不是小道消息。但是??是就新配偶而言,其他??的?聚移民?保不在此列。(?人理解)如下是cic咀站所言:"Five-year Sponsorship Bar for persons who were sponsored to come to Canada as a spouse or partner On March 2, 2012, changes to the eligibility requirements for sponsors came into force. These changes bar a previously-sponsored spouse or partner, from sponsoring a new spouse or partner within five years of becoming a permanent resident, even if the sponsor acquired citizenship during that period. Other members of the family class will not be affected by the regulatory changes."点击展开...

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