加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急!!! 请问我准备往加拿大移民局寄材料了
回复: 急!!! 请问我准备往加拿大移民局寄材料了置顶帖子里都有 三、缴费金额:Fees 费用:What fees are required?需要那些费用?两个部分:processing fees和永久居民权申请费(枫叶卡费)A. The processing fees, which must be paid when you submit your sponsorship application, consistof the following:A 申请费-当你(担保人)提交担保申请的时候,必须付清, 包括一下条目:$75 for the sponsor; $75---担保人 ;$475 for a principal applicant (the person being sponsored) who is 22 years of age orolder, or who is married or in a common-law or conjugal relationship, regardless of age;$475---主申请人(被担保人),22岁(含)以上的,或者结婚的, common-law 或者 conjugal relationship(以上三者不论年龄多少)$75 for a principal applicant who is a under 22 years of age and not married or in acommon-law or conjugal relationship;$75---主申请人(被担保人), 22岁以下的,并且没有结婚$550 for each accompanying family member who is 22 years of age or older, or who ismarried or in a common-law relationship, regardless of age; and$550--- 每个副申请人(accompanying family member),22岁(含)以上的,或者结婚的, common-law 或者 conjugal relationship(以上三者不论年龄多少); 或者$150 for each accompanying family member who is under 22 years of age and not marriedor in a common-law relationship.$150 --- 每个副申请人(accompanying family member),22岁以下的,并且没有结婚BThe Right of Permanent Residence Fee, which may be paid at the same time as the processingfees or afterwards, but before the application for permanent residence of the person you want tosponsor can be finalized, is:永久居民权申请费(枫叶卡费),可以和移民申请费(processing fees)一起提交,也可以以后提交。但是必须在永久居民权批准之前提交。费用是:$490 for a principal applicant and accompanying family members who are not exempted(see Table 3 Immigration Fees).$490 主申请人和每个副申请人
- 境外配偶团聚北京, 2012-04-03 签收, 2012-06-06 DM1 + MER, 2012-06-25 BJAR, 2012-07-24 IP+补护信, 2012-08-16 补体检信, 2012-09-12 DM2 + 双地址, 2012-09-23 大信封回复: 急!!! 请问我准备往加拿大移民局寄材料了https://eservicesak.cic.gc.ca/epay/disclaimer.do 这个是CIC在线交费的连接,只要有VISA或MASTERCARD就可以
- 境外配偶团聚北京, 2012-04-03 签收, 2012-06-06 DM1 + MER, 2012-06-25 BJAR, 2012-07-24 IP+补护信, 2012-08-16 补体检信, 2012-09-12 DM2 + 双地址, 2012-09-23 大信封回复: 急!!! 请问我准备往加拿大移民局寄材料了谢谢两位,也就是现在要交550. 主要问题是那个在线付款的要选哪个office的,是付到任何一个都可以吗?还是 必须要在北京的,北京的那个没有online的,必须要到北京的office付吗?问题有些繁琐,只是想确定下不想出问题。谢谢了
回复: 急!!! 请问我准备往加拿大移民局寄材料了你是申请团聚吗?如果是团聚,即使你的申请要在北京审理,也要先申请担保人的资格啊,这是要寄到加拿大密西沙加的。而且申请费最好一起付,包括担保人的75$, 申请人475$, 登陆费490$. 先熟悉一下基本的流程吧,免得弄错了费时费力。
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