加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问,移民监如何免除。


我记得以前有个帖子讲移民监的事宜。 我和老公忽然改变了计划,要在国内多呆两年,他是西,公民。他8月底要去加拿大,9月返回,我都不知道该怎么办了,如果我们一直在国内的话,有什么办法呢?我11月自己去加拿大可以么?短登下,领了卡再回国找他? 谢谢姐姐s

留下来,或我跟你走。在这什么都善变的人世间,我想看一下永恒。2012年2月29 cic签收 -6月18 AR1 -6月20 DM1(21st 国内地址栏) -6月22 MER -6月29 主动补出生和无犯罪 -7月12 bjAR -7月18 IP - 7月23 补料(无犯罪) -7月29 签-8月4 双地址栏-8月5 DM2回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。鉴于您老公是公民,就算你俩今后一直生活在中国,你都不存在每5年必须呆两年的问题。夫妻双方,无论共同在中或加生活,只要一方是加公民,另一方的移民身份不存在移民监的问题。

回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。你拿到移民签证后,过来加登陆,从当天起,你就PR了。然后返回国,和老公一起生活就行。

回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。现在亲属团聚的好像得在加住两年才行,还是说服你老公先回去吧。

回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。那你们申请时的返加计划不就是假的了? 本人不知道。感觉有风险。

回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。没事的 拿到卡就回来一起住五年后更新枫叶卡的时候同时副上你和老公的护照复印件证明你们一直在一起就好啦

2012.3.29 签收;6.22 AR1 (网查无邮件无平信);7.5 DM1;8.6 BJAR;8.9 补护信+补5406家属表;8.9 IP+mer (8.12网查);8.13 护签;9.7DM 2+双地址;9.24大信封到没事的 拿到卡就回来一起住五年后更新枫叶卡的时候同时副上你和老公的护照复印件证明你们一直在一起就好啦点击展开...可以入籍么?

每天进步一点点做更好的自己。回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。Conditional permanent residence proposed to deter marriages of convenience Ottawa, March 9, 2012 Today, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney announced measures to further strengthen the Government of Canada’s ability to crack down on marriage fraud.Under the new proposal, now open for further public input, a spouse or partner being sponsored by a Canadian or permanent resident would be required to live together with their sponsor in a legitimate relationship for two years following receipt of their permanent resident status in Canada. If these steps are not pursued, the sponsored spouse or partner’s status could be revoked, possibly leading to their removal and in some instances, criminal charges could also be laid. For all legitimate relationships, the condition would cease to apply once the conditional period has elapsed.The proposed conditional measure would help deter people from engaging in a relationship, such as a marriage or a common law partnership, for the purpose of acquiring status or privilege under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. This measure would apply to all spouses in relationships of two years or less who have no children with their sponsor at the time of the sponsorship application.“Our objective is to weed out people trying to use a phony marriage as a quick and easy route to Canada,” said Minister Kenney. “In town hall meetings I held in 2010 with victims of marriage fraud, I heard first-hand from victims who were still suffering the consequences years later. They implored me to do something to stop this from happening to others.”This follows on the heels of a separate measure last week. Effective March 2, sponsored spouses or partners are ineligible to sponsor a new spouse or partner for five years from the day that they are granted permanent residence status in Canada.“The problem of marriage fraud is serious and will only get worse if we don’t put measures in place that protect the integrity of our immigration system while deterring people from trying to use a marriage of convenience to cheat their way into Canada,” added Minister Kenney.Other countries, such as Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, use a form of conditional status as a deterrent against marriage fraud and the lack of a similar measure increases Canada’s vulnerability to this type of unlawful activity.The proposed regulations, which were prepublished today on the Canada Gazette website, will appear in the March 10 edition of the Canada Gazette (Part I) and are open for further public input for a 30-day comment period, ending April 9, 2012.A Notice of Intent proposing the development of this conditional measure was published in the Canada Gazette on March 26, 2011. A number of respondents expressed concern that a conditional measure could increase the vulnerability of sponsored spouses and partners who are in abusive relationships.Given these concerns, the proposed condition would cease to apply in instances where there is evidence of abuse or neglect, or of a failure to protect from abuse or neglect by a person related to the sponsor, whether that person is residing in the household or not, during the conditional period. Working with stakeholders and other interested parties, Citizenship and Immigration Canada is also developing guidelines to assist spouses and partners who could be victims of abuse or neglect in such situations.有过一个这样的新闻,但貌似还没有有出台正式的规定。

回复: 请问,移民监如何免除。关注中

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