加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民BC省境内结婚移民担保人资格通过了就可以申请医
如题:申请表格: Who is Eligible?An individual must be a resident of B.C. in order to qualify for medical coverage under MSP. A resident is a person who meets all of the following conditions:must be a citizen of Canada or be lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence;must make his or her home in B.C.;must be physically present in B.C. at least six months in a calendar year; anddependents of MSP beneficiaries are eligible for coverage if they are residents of B.C.Certain other individuals, such as some holders of study and/or work permits, or working permits on working holiday programs which are issued under the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and are valid for a period of six or more months may be deemed residents. Tourists or visitors to B.C. do not qualify. A spouse or a child of an eligible B.C. resident may also be deemed a resident provided that an application for permanent residence status has been accepted for processing by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), and the application remains active. For more information, see Covering a Spouse or Child who is an Applicant for Permanent Resident Status in Canada (PDF 274K).
回复: BC省境内结婚移民担保人资格通过了就可以申请医疗卡请教 这份东西应该以担保人的名义填写吧?SPOUSE只有RETURN DATE?
回复: BC省境内结婚移民担保人资格通过了就可以申请医疗卡俺英语不好,但看上去貌似API后才能申请。而不是担保人资格通过了。
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养俺英语不好,但看上去貌似API后才能申请。而不是担保人资格通过了。点击展开...对于申请人在境内但是递境外申请是没有AIP的吧。我觉得letter from cic就可以。比如担保人资格通过的信件。我知道安省的OHIP是可以这样的。BC的看文字叙述差不多。具体不是很清楚。
回复: BC省境内结婚移民担保人资格通过了就可以申请医疗卡俺英语不好,但看上去貌似API后才能申请。而不是担保人资格通过了。点击展开...AIP: approve in principle 222222222
回复: BC省境内结婚移民担保人资格通过了就可以申请医疗卡我?回答上述?铨。在BC省,境?哝了家庭?聚申?後,?保通咿(也就是AIP)後,就有儋格申?care card。正常BC省care card 申辨??21?工作日,家庭?聚申?者目前要另外排二?月。呃二?月的算法,是你AIP日往後推二?月,也就是你申? care card 後, 你AIP的日期+2?月+21工作日就可以办卡。
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