加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有谁在加拿大境内申请PR期间回国的?
我在等PR,还有一年时间啊,我今天打电话问了CIC居然说等待期间如果回国探亲甚至旅游,有可能在回加拿大海关是被拒绝入境,(即使有super visa,或10年多次出入境)请问,有人成功回国并且回加拿大了么?这个risk有多大啊下面是我google出来的,和cic agent说的一样。。 我过年想回家看看啊I met a lawyer today and he said the same thing like I said. If you leave the country after you filed PR under H&C category, it is very likely that consulate will not issue you a visa to get back in. Even if you do manage to get a multiple entry visa while you are still in Canada without needing to attend an interview at buffalo office, you probably be refused to get back in at the port of entry when you come back from your home country for you have proven that you have no intention to stay temporarily by your H&C application. So, the bottom line is, don´t go back. Wait till you get yourself a PR status. Sorry to break you the bad news.
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