加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求教:关于申请费表格的问题
今天收到CIC的邮件,说我申请费用的表格不正确,要求补寄,我是在网上用国内的双币visa卡付的,因为只有一个申请人,数额为1040,最后材料提交的是打印出来的生成的电子收据。收据上还注明了网上付费可以不用提交这份表格的?请教各位前辈,是数额不正确还是填写内容不正确呢?是不是这里一定要填担保人的姓名和地址?我填的申请人的姓名及信用卡的地址。谢谢大家了。邮件内容如下:[FONT="]Your application cannot be placed in the processing queue at this time because the form of fee payment you submitted is incorrect.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Please follow one of the payment options outlined in this letter and submit the correct fee payment to this office.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Upon receipt of the correct fee payment at this office, your application will be placed in the processing queue. Please note that if the correct fee payment is not received within 30 days from the date of this letter, the entire sponsorship application package will be returned to you. It will then be necessary for you to resubmit the sponsorship package at a later date with the appropriate fee payment[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT][FONT="][/FONT]
回复: 求教:关于申请费表格的问题麻烦大家看一下,是不是只需提供这一张收据呢?没有其他IMM5401表格吧?我的情况是老公担保我一个人,上面要填的是担保人的信息吗?地址是要填什么地址? 谢谢!
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