加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?
我刚刚来到家园网,陆陆续续看到很多帖子,讲的都很清楚了,大部分都是结婚或者common law的方式,请教各位一下,有没有用conjugal partner 申请成功的啊?这种方式申请和common law的准备资料有什么不同吗?朋友写证明信有什么版式内容上的要求吗?谢谢大家了
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=325300
屈服于命运的人,会有伤悲。。。回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?成功案例很多。
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=325300点击展开...谢谢了,他们是结婚团聚的
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?成功案例很多。点击展开...是不是可以知道common-law和conjugal partner 上有什么区别的。有没有conjugal partner 的指导啊?我和我partner分在两地没有注满2年,只能用conjugal partner 方式申请了
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?The conjugal partner category is for partners-either of opposite sex or same sex in exceptional circumstances beyond their control that prevent them from qualifying as common-law partners or spouses. A conjugal relationship is more than a physical relationship. It is a mutually dependent relationship, and it has some permanence and the same level of commitment as a marriage or a common-law union. You may apply as a conjugal partner if: You have maintained a conjugal relationship with your sponsor for at least 1 year;You have been prevented from living together or marrying because of:An immigration barrier;Your marital status (e.g., you are married to someone else and living in a country where divorce is not possible); ORYour sexual orientation (e.g., you are in a same-sex relationship and same-sex marriage is not permitted where you live);You can provide evidence of an impediment to living together (e.g., evidence of refused long-term stays in each other's country). You should not apply as a conjugal partner if: You could have lived together but chose not to, indicating that you did not have the level of commitment required of a conjugal relationship (e.g., you did not want to give up a job or a course of study, or your relationship was not yet at the point where you were ready to live together); ORYou are unable to provide evidence of an impediment that prevented you from living together; ORYou are engaged to be married. In this case, you should either apply as a spouse once the marriage has taken place or apply as a common-law partner if you have lived together continuously for at least 12 months.
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?是不是可以知道common-law和conjugal partner 上有什么区别的。有没有conjugal partner 的指导啊?我和我partner分在两地没有注满2年,只能用conjugal partner 方式申请了点击展开...同性和异性貌似没有区别
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?刚才问题澄清一下,两者填表上有区别吗?
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?是不是可以知道common-law和conjugal partner 上有什么区别的。有没有conjugal partner 的指导啊?我和我partner分在两地没有注满2年,只能用conjugal partner 方式申请了点击展开...没有住满两年没关系,还是要出示证据证明你们的conjugal partner关系没断就行,关于朋友信的话只要对你或你的partner很熟悉的人(同事什么的),写怎么认识你们另一方的,最好是那个朋友和你们一起有过旅行,一起拍过照片.我就是申请的conjugal partner.刚补护.
开通ING direct的网上银行,用我的推荐号ORANGE KEY 40983970S1 开户,并存入100元以上的加元支票后就有$50奖励, ING没有月费,网上转账免费,13年12月31日前有效谢谢没有住满两年没关系,还是要出示证据证明你们的conjugal partner关系没断就行,关于朋友信的话只要对你或你的partner很熟悉的人(同事什么的),写怎么认识你们另一方的,最好是那个朋友和你们一起有过旅行,一起拍过照片.我就是申请的conjugal partner.刚补护.点击展开...太感谢了。
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?你是在加拿大境内还是境外申请的啊?
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?你是在加拿大境内还是境外申请的啊?点击展开...我在加拿大境外申请的,之前在温哥华认识的一对same sex partners 就是在加境内申请成功的。他们等待了10个月哦。
开通ING direct的网上银行,用我的推荐号ORANGE KEY 40983970S1 开户,并存入100元以上的加元支票后就有$50奖励, ING没有月费,网上转账免费,13年12月31日前有效谢谢回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?谢了,你啥时候来加啊?保持联系啊 :)
回复: 有用conjugal partner 申请团聚成功的吗?如果顺利的话计划今年7月登陆温哥华。 pm我,你的联系方式 lol谢了,你啥时候来加啊?保持联系啊 :)点击展开...
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