加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种
老婆在国内,想给老婆申请配偶团聚移民,现在网上支付有两种:一种是Family Class (spouse or common-law partner, parents, grandparents, adopted children and other member of family)还有一种是Spouse and Common-Law Partner in Canada Class请教大家,我应该选哪种呢? 谢谢啦
回复: 请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种你的情况应该是境外夫妻团聚吧?个人理解Spouse and Common-Law Partner in Canada Class对应的是配偶在加拿大境内,属于sponsorship within Canada,所以你应该选:Family Class (spouse or common-law partner, parents, grandparents, adopted children and other member of family).老婆在国内,想给老婆申请配偶团聚移民,现在网上支付有两种:一种是Family Class (spouse or common-law partner, parents, grandparents, adopted children and other member of family)还有一种是Spouse and Common-Law Partner in Canada Class请教大家,我应该选哪种呢? 谢谢啦点击展开...
回复: 请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种还真是的,谢谢啦
回复: 请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种不客气!加油!还真是的,谢谢啦点击展开...
回复: 请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种问一个很弱的问题,我先生(加拿大人)申请我团聚,在交费一档,是选哪几项交费呢?Sponsorship application (per application) $75.00Principal applicant $475.00Principal applicant, if less than 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner (including a dependent child of the sponsor, a child to be adopted and an orphaned brother, sister, niece, nephew, or grandchild) $75.00A family member of the principal applicant who is 22 years of age or older, or is less than 22 years of age and is a spouse or common-law partner $550.00A family member of the principal applicant who is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner $150.00Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490.00
回复: 请教:魁省申请配偶团聚移民pay fee应该选哪种问一个很弱的问题,我先生(加拿大人)申请我团聚,在交费一档,是选哪几项交费呢? Sponsorship application (per application) $75.00Principal applicant $475.00Principal applicant, if less than 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner (including a dependent child of the sponsor, a child to be adopted and an orphaned brother, sister, niece, nephew, or grandchild) $75.00A family member of the principal applicant who is 22 years of age or older, or is less than 22 years of age and is a spouse or common-law partner $550.00A family member of the principal applicant who is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner $150.00Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490.00点击展开... Sponsorship application (per application) $75.00+Principal applicant $475.00+Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490.00
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