加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信
收到CIC给我的信,说4月30日收到我的料了,然后给我两个NUMBER,一个是UCI ;一个是Application No。我想问下,这两个NUMBER哪个是网上查询的NUMBER啊,有有经验的同学指点下呗,谢谢。实际上是我用这两个NUMBER网上查询都没用查询到,所以来问问看怎么回事。 另外现在担保小孩子团聚移民,从递料到收到签证,多长时间? 不知坛子里有没有最近刚刚办理完小孩团聚移民的,能否指点下呢,谢谢了!
既来之则安之回复: 担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信顶啊,就没有人知道吗?
既来之则安之回复: 担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信按照以前的经验是Application No
回复: 担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信UCI能查到,输小孩的姓,出生日期和地点
申请孩子团聚,北京使馆,3月4签收,4月1日DM1,回复: 担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信first you should understand that you as a sponsor have your UCI, then your child as an applicant has his own UCI and the Application Number. At phase 1, you can either:1, use your UCI + your name/birthday or 2, use your child's UCI + your child's name/birthdayor3, use Application Number + your child's name/birthday to query the status. At phase 2 (when you have DM1 and the case is in Beijing), use 2 or 3. It's normal that the status is not available immediately after you receive the letter. Just be patient and check it out later.
回复: 担保小孩子移民,CIC给我的信Thank you very much!
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