加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民办小孩的团聚有问题请教
1.担保人的表格有一栏要填,clientID请问这个应该填什么,是填枫叶卡的卡号吗,如果是枫叶卡的填正面的ID No,还是后面PA打头的?2.在线 付款后的收据里也有clientID一栏,应该填什么?3.材料已经寄走了,今天上网查进度才发现有可能填错了,如果填错了怎么办,是不是要现在马上就再寄走一份新的担保人表格,还是等政府的通知?4.是不是要收到政府的回执后才能在网上查进度?谢谢!!!!!
回复: 办小孩的团聚有问题请教look here for an explanation of UCI http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=013&t=4 If the sponsor(you?) has done any business with CIC before, he will have a UCI. This UCI can be found in any CIC letters addressed to the sponsor. If you can't find it, you can always call CIC to find out the number. If the sponsor is a citizen and never get any service from CIC before, he probably doesn't have a UCI and in that case you can leave it blank.(I guess this is not your case since you mentioned "maple card")You should really do some homework before submitting the application...
回复: 办小孩的团聚有问题请教第一次登陆时申请枫叶卡时收到的信上有client ID吗那封信已经丢掉了……
回复: 办小孩的团聚有问题请教第一次登陆时申请枫叶卡时收到的信上有client ID吗那封信已经丢掉了……点击展开...UCI should be also on your landing paper (i hope you still have it), look for any 8 digit number.
回复: 办小孩的团聚有问题请教UCI可以不填,我的就没填。不知道你填错了什么,如果不是重要信息问题应该不大,你试试看再寄一份新的。
回复: 办小孩的团聚有问题请教如果是移民纸右上角的那个client number, 就应该是8位数的。
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