加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民罢工终于结束了!!!
News26 September 2013 - Canada’s Foreign Service Officers Reach Tentative Agreement with Federal GovernmentThe Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached with the Treasury Board of Canada to end our six-month labour dispute.“PAFSO is satisfied with this deal,” said PAFSO President Tim Edwards.“This agreement was reached through compromises on both sides,” continued Edwards. “We salute the spirit of constructive engagement which our employer brought to our latest discussions. This deal is a victory for free and fair bargaining in the federal public service.”With the signing of this tentative agreement PAFSO has ordered an immediate suspension of all strike measures and work to rule. The agreement requires ratification by the PAFSO membership and approval by the full Treasury Board. PAFSO’s Executive Committee and Treasury Board president Tony Clement have agreed to recommend acceptance of the offer.“We are pleased that the Government has recognized the tremendous value and dedication which Foreign Service Officers provide to Canadians and their elected representatives,” said Edwards. “It has been a hard-fought battle and I would like to salute the unity, resolve, and stamina of our members in securing a fair and equitable deal. We’re excited to get back to doing the work we love, promoting and protecting Canada’s values and interests abroad.”The 1,350 Foreign Service Officers have been without a contract since July 1, 2011 and in a legal strike position since April 2, 2013. This agreement concludes the longest federal public service strike since the introduction of collective bargaining in 1967.[/B][/B]亲爱的签证官们,你们假期也休了,工资也涨了,给点好的心情,赶快盖章发签证吧!!!
祝大家好运。回复: 罢工终于结束了!!!耶!
回复: 罢工终于结束了!!!是啊! 希望签证官们赶紧给我们签证吧, 我们等的实在是太痛苦了!今天如果没消息,就要过完国庆节了!
求佛菩萨保佑大家都能和自己的爱人,家人尽快团聚在一起!怎么才结束的?我看有的新闻讲8月底左右就结束了,然后有人开始飞速拿到签证,比如8.28递 8.29收到。各种疯狂[/quote哇。。。8-28递,8-29收到?有没有这么快啊点击展开...
回复: 罢工终于结束了!!!加油啊
入乡随俗!我自己7月去加拿大,5月份申请访友签,就是礼拜一寄出application去上海,礼拜四就拿到visa大信封了。神速 完全没有像网上很多人说得那么恐怖点击展开...探亲访友的签证就是这速度
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