加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【求助】担保人收入问题
11月1号 签收 1月13号补护照1月31号DM22月7号收到大信封祝还在团聚路上的兄弟姐妹们早日团聚回复: 求助担保人收入问题When you sponsor one of these relatives to become permanent residents of Canada, you must support them financially. This means you have to meet certain income guidelines.To be a sponsor you must:agree in writing to give financial support to your relative, if they need itfor a spouse or partner, this lasts for three years from the date they become a permanent resident, andfor a dependent child, this lasts for 10 years, or until the child turns 25, whichever comes first.Your relative must also agree to try to support themselves.根据网站上关于sponsor的资格的描述,我想你应该都需要准备。我觉得你还是再读一下网站上关于合格sponsor的要求描述比较好。准备充足批下来也会快一点
境内夫妻团聚 2013/10/7 递料 2013/10/9 签收 2013/11/2 AN回复: 求助担保人收入问题我老公也是学生,明年4月份才毕业,他只递交了OPTION PRINT C,之前实习过几次,上一年收入好像写的1W刀,因为只实习了4个月,我们也以为没问题,也没让他父母写个声明,可是我们现在DM1就滞后了一个月还没消息,我觉得可能跟收入有关,所以你最好让父母写个声明提供你的住房和生活所需。
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