加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序


这是我在CIC查到的团聚的状态,可是不明白为什么等了这么久状态一直没改变过,这里面到底写了些什么?望高手指点.我现在的状态是多少,还要等待多久,我是结婚团聚,HK CASE.谢谢!!!!!!!We received your application to sponsor XXXXXXXX on April 10, 2008. We started processing your application on May 5, 2008. We sent you a letter on May 5, 2008. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We returned your application with a letter on May 5, 2008. You may re-apply or resubmit your application when the information requested is provided. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We received the application that you resubmitted on May 30, 2008. We sent you a letter on June 3, 2008 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.

回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序We sent you a letter on June 3, 2008 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. 点击展开...6月3日给你发了信,关于申请结果的。这么快就有决定,是不是拒了啊 如果没收到信的话,赶紧发邮件去问问吧!

回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序We sent you a letter on June 3, 2008 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.点击展开...貌似是要楼主等消息啊,最后结果已经在6月3号寄出来了。难道LZ到现在还没收到?

女巫sara一切重新开始 We received your application to sponsor XXXXXXXX on April 10, 2008. CIC 在08年4月10日收到你的申请(应该是担保人的吧)We started processing your application on May 5, 2008. CIC在08年5月5日开始处理你的申请。We sent you a letter on May 5, 2008. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. CIC在08年5月5日寄出补料信。 We returned your application with a letter on May 5, 2008. You may re-apply or resubmit your application when the information requested is provided. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. CIC在08年5月5日退料,可以补料后重新申请。 We received the application that you resubmitted on May 30, 2008. CIC在08年5月30日收到补料。 We sent you a letter on June 3, 2008 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. CIC在08年6月3日寄出处理结果通知点击展开...应该是在补料后担保通过了,一个是还没有听说过有不过的,再者如果还缺少材料他们会继续通知补料。奇怪的是6月份到现在已经很久了,案子应该早就转到了HK,你再查一下在申请人一栏里显示的是IN PROCESS还是NOT AVAILABLE。如果是IN PROCESS,可能是FN寄丢了,或者如果你们是律师代理就找律师要,有的律师不会主动把FN给客户的。如果是NOT AVAILABLE,估计是担保拒了。

回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序貌似被拒了

回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序等待楼主消息。

渥村生活ing~~~回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序关注中........

BJ CASE : 2010年1月4日签收-- 1月22日DM-- 1月29日DM信-- 2月8日FN E-MAIL--2月18日"1"--3月15日面试通过下午取签! 6月28登陆温哥华--享受生活中!回复: 诚恳的请教,看不懂英文程序别关注了,看了LZ之前发的帖子,早就担保DM然后FN了,VO是LI……可能是等得太久,看CIC有点杯弓蛇影,都是HK过来的,非常理解这种心情

别关注了,看了LZ之前发的帖子,早就担保DM然后FN了,VO是LI…… 可能是等得太久,看CIC有点杯弓蛇影,都是HK过来的,非常理解这种心情点击展开...哦,原来这样呀~

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