加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?22岁以下可以
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?22岁以下可以点击展开... 应该是22岁以下未婚
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?结了婚就算独立了,好像不能办
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?听说萨省和阿省可以办理这类已婚的亲属移民
我爱加拿大回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?You can be sponsored if you meet the requirements below......Dependent childrenYour child or a child of your spouse or common-law partner will be considered a dependent child if that childA. is under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship; orB. married or entered into a common-law relationship before the age 22 and, since becoming a spouseor a common-law partner, has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; oris 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22, has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post secondaryinstitution accredited by the relevant government authority and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent; orC. is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent sincebefore the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?省提名的那个可以办已婚超龄子女的团聚,好像只有沙省、阿省、曼省,具体不清楚,去cic网页上找找 Provincial Nominee Program吧。
回复: 第一贴[请教]父母登陆温哥华,已婚子女可以办团聚移民吗?结婚了没关系,但必须靠父母供养,而且还在读书,是连续的全日制教育。
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