加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调
同题,我们没找中介,不过找人翻译,而且因为工作原因,做事习惯,把资料整理的像招标书一样工整,使馆要我补5476,求助怎么办。看不太懂,是否背调。请帮助。 The form "use of a Representative"(IMM5476)was not submitted with your application.However,based on a review of the format and content of the documentation that you have provided with your application,we are concerned that an agent has represented,advised,or consulted with you. Regulation 10(2)(c.1)and(c.2)of the immigration and refugee protection regulations states the following: (2)the application shall,unless otherwise provided by these regulations, (c.1)include the name,postal address and telephone number of any person who represents the applicant,and the person s fax number and electronic mail address,if any; (c.2)if the person who represents the applicant is charging a fee for representation,include (i)the name of the organization referred to in the definition"authorized representative"of which the person is a member,and (ii)the membership identification number issued by that organization to the person Note that withholding the above relevant and material information may be considered misrepresentation as described in section 40(1)(a)of the immigration and refugee protection Act.The consequence of misrepresentation could be a two-year period of inadmissibility,as described in section 40(2)(a)of the act. You are advised to address the above concerns within sixty(60)days of the date of this letter. we must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter,or should the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above,we intend to refuse your application as per subsection10(c.1)and(c.2)of the immigration and refugee protection regulations,40(1)(a)and11(1)of the immigration and refugee protection act.
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调楼主你是什么时候IP?什么时候收120?我也跟你一样,没找中介,不过找人翻译,那么我也要补5476表?
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调没人帮忙,自己顶。我是09年11月16号IP,2010年2月22号收到120信,和补料
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调VO要求你把中介的名称电话联系地址给他们。你请还是没请中介由你的解释而定。
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调谢谢楼上的,如果只是找朋友帮忙翻译爱情故事,我的朋友还用填5476吗
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调这个主意自己定。打个电话核实一下也是应该的。你这个算 半请中介的做法。你自己在填表里面有字眼表明请了别人干活,就得解释给人家牛气十足的VO听。如果是我是你,我一般如实回答VO,请了朋友翻译。说谎的下场很惨的。这个VO似乎在等你表格。你不给他肯定没办法啦。看你谁怕谁。
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调谢谢楼上的。
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调我是去年2月IP的,同样在今年3月初收到楼主一样的两份信。我们也是没请中介,是朋友帮我们填写的,这次我们咨询了律师。本周初按律师要求补了解释信[提交了朋友的电话,住所等]现在还不知道案件会有什么样进展。我们都等了一年多。。。。。怒。怒
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调谢谢楼上的两位,我们香港的真是,不知道怎么说,只能说祝愿我们尽快一家相聚,现在家真不像个家的样子。
回复: HK11月IP,2月22收到120信,另外1个是否背调楼上补了解释信没有。120天还有三个月时间耐心地等吧。。。。
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