加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?
我的是2009 3.23寄出 4.8DM 4 .21 FN 。 10月1收到两张120信, 我的VO是 ROW 要主动补料吗? review of your application taking into account such factors as the length of your courtship ,the circumstances surrounding your introduction.your immigration history and the subsequnt development of your relationship has been completed.Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date,we have determined that you may require a personal interview . your file has now been queued for review by an officer. your file will be examined in the order in which it has been received to ensure equitable treatment of your application .IT is expected that the decision to convoke you to an interview will be taken in the next 120 days of this letter.Should you be required to attend a personal interview you will be notified by mail .Alternately,the officer may decide to request further documents from you and in that case you will also be notified by mail. Please note there is no requirement in the immigration and Refugee Protection Act for a personal interview before a decision is taken,however no refusal will be made without previously advising you of the specific refusal concerns.Due to the high volume of applications in our office and in order to better serve our applicants we request that you do not inquire as to the status of your application within the 120 days of this letter .Furthermore,should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address or family composition (i.e marriage .birth .death .divorce .separation or adoption of any person included on your application )Please do so by either facsimile or mail.RegardsFamily class processing
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?2张?
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我也是两张,,,VO多打一了一份一摸一样的,还签名了。。。。。。。。。
HK CASE 2009.3.20 发出->2009.3.23 CIC 签收->2009.4.7 CIC DM->2009.4.13 DM letter>2009.4.15 IP->2009.4.23FN>2009.10.1 120 不许查进度信>2010.1.25面过->1.28 PL->.2.2取签.-》2.17 登陆我也是两张,,,VO多打一了一份一摸一样的,还签名了。。。。 。。。。。点击展开...
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我也是两张,,,VO多打一了一份一摸一样的,还签名了。。。。 。。。。。点击展开...我也是收到二张120的信.也是有签名在上面.
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?好像ROW这个VO很爱寄120信我也是这个VO,我也收到120信了,晕
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?一份是申请人的,另外一份是担保人的。请问LZ 几位收到120天有没有主动补料?
HK Case,漫漫长征等待中! 回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我是09年10收到IP, 3月初收到120信, 我认为是120天内不要催VO, 但移民顾问非说是要在120天内面试, 还让我自己写邮件去问
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我是09年10收到IP, 3月初收到120信, 我认为是120天内不要催VO, 但移民顾问非说是要在120天内面试, 还让我自己写邮件去问点击展开...不一定是在120天内面试,但是在120天以内不要以任何形式去询问进度就是了
香港CASE(VO:TCY):09.2.23寄出,09.2.26签收,09.3.17担保DM,09.4.15IP,09.4.23FN,09.9月中收到120天信,2010.05.03,2010.05.15补体检,2010.07.07收PL信 坚持 回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我也收到了,是10月8日,现在都超过一个月了,我现在怀孕5个月,体检又快过期了真不知道该怎么办
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?我也收到了,是10月8日,现在都超过一个月了,我现在怀孕5个月,体检又快过期了真不知道该怎么办点击展开...请问你是什么时候IP和体检的
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?请问你是什么时候IP和体检的点击展开...Ip是去年5月的,体检4月3日就过期了
回复: 收到两张120信?奇怪 要主动补料吗?Ip是去年5月的,体检4月3日就过期了点击展开...多谢月下独舞的回答,看来7月IP的我还有得等了.
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