加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民夫妻团聚 最低收入证明


When you sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children to become permanent residents of Canada, you must promise to support them financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements----------------------------------------www.cic.gc.ca以前听说对于夫妻团聚是不需要有什么最低收入要求,但是现在看上面写的白纸黑字的说明,这是不是说政策改变:现在担保夫妻团聚还是要达到一定的收入要求, 是这样的吗? 多谢各位前辈指教

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明When you sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children to become permanent residents of Canada, you must promise to support them financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements----------------------------------------www.cic.gc.ca 以前听说对于夫妻团聚是不需要有什么最低收入要求,但是现在看上面写的白纸黑字的说明,这是不是说政策改变:现在担保夫妻团聚还是要达到一定的收入要求, 是这样的吗? 多谢各位前辈指教点击展开...楼上,麻烦把网址贴出来看下可以么,我也是备料阶段,另外您是申请哪个省的啊?

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明Determine your eligibility – Sponsor your spouse, partner or childrenEffective October 25, 2012, sponsored spouses or partners must now live together in a legitimate relationship with their sponsor for two years from the day they receive permanent residence status in Canada.If you are a spouse or partner being sponsored to come to Canada, this applies to you if:You are being sponsored by a permanent resident or Canadian citizenYou have been in a relationship for two years or less with your sponsorYou have no children in commonYour application was received on or after October 25, 2012Learn more about the new conditional permanent residence measure for spouses and partners.Your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children may be eligible to immigrate to Canada as permanent residents.An application for Family Class sponsorship can be made if your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children live inside or outside Canada.The first step is for you to apply as the sponsor. Both you, as the sponsor, and your relative must meet certain requirements.Applicants for permanent residence must go through medical, criminal and background screening. Applicants with a criminal record may not be allowed to enter Canada. People who pose a risk to Canada’s security are also not allowed to enter Canada. Applicants may have to provide a certificate from police authorities in their home country. The Sponsor’s Guide for Family Class explains medical, criminal and background checks.Sponsoring a spouse, partner or dependent childYou can sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children if you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. To be a sponsor, you must be 18 years of age or older.You can apply as a sponsor if your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or accompanying dependent children live with you in Canada, even if they do not have legal status in Canada. However, all the other requirements must be met.You can also apply as a sponsor if your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children live outside Canada, and if they meet all the requirements.When you sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children to become permanent residents of Canada, you must promise to support them financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements. If you have previously sponsored relatives to come to Canada and they have later turned to the government for financial assistance, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person. Sponsorship is a big commitment, so you must take this obligation seriously.To be a sponsor:You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits you to provide financial support for your relative, if necessary. This agreement also says the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support her or himself.You must provide financial support for a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident.You must provide financial support for a dependent child for 10 years, or until the child turns 25, whichever comes first.You may not be eligible to be a sponsor if you:failed to provide financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the pastdefaulted on a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child supportreceive government financial assistance for reasons other than a disabilitywere convicted of an offence of a sexual nature, a violent criminal offence, an offence against a relative that results in bodily harm or an attempt or threat to commit any such offences—depending on circumstances such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a record suspension (formerly called “pardons” in Canada), was issued (See Sponsorship Bar for Violent Crime below)were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than 5 years ago (See Five-year Sponsorship Bar for persons who were sponsored to come to Canada as a spouse or partner below)defaulted on an immigration loan—late or missed paymentsare in prison orhave declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.Other factors not included in this list might also make you ineligible to sponsor a relative-----------------------------------------http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse-apply-who.asp

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明团聚和哪个省应该是没有关系的

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明那最低收入多少才行?

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明up upcan anybody help a little bit?

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明家庭团聚类移民需要担保人对申请人提供经济担保的承诺,但没有定量。经济担保,当然是用加拿大元,没有定量而已。

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明家庭团聚类移民需要担保人对申请人提供经济担保的承诺,但没有定量。经济担保,当然是用加拿大元,没有定量而已。点击展开...you have to meet certain income requirements这不是定量吗?

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明楼上,麻烦把网址贴出来看下可以么,我也是备料阶段,另外您是申请哪个省的啊?点击展开...是啊,这段话的链接是什么?是来自CIC官网的权威资料吗?


回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明you have to meet certain income requirements这不是定量吗?点击展开...是个定性,满足基本生活需要。没有提及具体数字。

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明我的律师给的建议是:1担保人在加有一万以上的存款。2担保人工资最好:3.5万以上加币/年。

2015年5月-2012年7月团聚移民申请~进度表 http://forum.canadameet.biz/showthread.php?t=639890我的律师给的建议是:1担保人在加有一万以上的存款。2担保人工资最好:3.5万以上加币/年。点击展开...因为以前的夫妻团聚是没有资金要求的, 所以您律师的建议是根据上面新的政策新提出的还是一直都是这样建议? 谢谢。加拿大移民局那帮牲口现在越来越TMD没有人性了 次奥!

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明"以前的夫妻团聚是没有资金要求的" 以前是什么时候? 赞同您的说法,牲口,没有人性的政府部门的国家,这个国家不要来。

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明我的律师2013年初给的建议是:1担保人在加有一万以上的存款。2担保人工资最好:3.5万以上加币/年。 我也是刚备料完,马上由律师递交。

2015年5月-2012年7月团聚移民申请~进度表 http://forum.canadameet.biz/showthread.php?t=639890回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明以前(2012年10月25日以前)夫妻团聚确实是没有明文规定收入标准的。虽然有时拒签的潜规则是担保人没有收入。但现在貌似直接将担保人的收入要求变成了明规则。


回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明我的律师2013年初给的建议是:1担保人在加有一万以上的存款。2担保人工资最好:3.5万以上加币/年。 我也是刚备料完,马上由律师递交。点击展开...多谢回复 我个人觉得3.5万/年这个要求是一个很保险的标准 ,按照以往非夫妻团聚的标准算2.2万一个人,带小孩的话2个人2.7万就差不多了看下面的链接 http://www.canadavisa.com/immigration-financial-ability.html如果夫妻团聚也是依照这个标准,换句话讲,他们执行的政策其实是这样的:,即便你找到了工作,但是如果找的不是专业工作,他们就不让你夫妻团聚了。 这些没人性的东西,次奥!

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明"以前的夫妻团聚是没有资金要求的" 以前是什么时候? 赞同您的说法,牲口,没有人性的政府部门的国家,这个国家不要来。点击展开...加拿大这个国家本身就是没什么人性的国家,奴隶般的工作就算了,看看这帮SB做的事,愣是把人家生生拖流产http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=624010有些人(比如我自己)需要回到这个国家完全是属于骑虎难下,进退两难,要不谁还稀罕那张破卡,送我我都懒得看一眼

回复: 夫妻团聚 最低收入证明就算按照最低工资10块1小时,一周40小时的全职工作,那么税前收入在2万出点头,而联邦税的免税额度是1万出头,2万多的最低工资的全职收入,当然也是要交1500块的税了。NOA上显示这个2万的数字,家庭团聚配偶加孩子都会批准的。换句话说,家庭团聚,只要给加拿大联邦政府交税,移民部是会批准的。因为收入问题被拒的情况,基本是NOA上的数字太少,1年1000块,让别人怎么想?其实,加拿大虽然很多居民不知道中餐馆和华人超市大量用现金方式雇工,但加拿大华侨华裔都知道,加拿大移民部驻香港和北京签证官也知道。换句话说,税表上收入太低的,他们认为是偷了政府税的。移民部和税务局同属联邦政府,中文讲是兄弟单位。

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