加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于IMM5669E问题
表格中关于学历的 小学,初中,高中的名字什么的都写进去了 这type of certificate or diploma issued写什么 还有field of study 怎么添 跪求前辈啊 出来指点
魁北克团聚:7.10CIC签收、7.25AR1、8.9DM1、8.19AR2、9.06CSQ跪求火箭回复: 关于IMM5669E问题type of certificate ( elementary school, high school) :graduatefield of study: general This is what I did.
回复: 关于IMM5669E问题field of study 应该是填所学专业
2012年12月10日签收-2013年1月2日DM1-1月30AR2-2月4IP-2月8补护信-2月21护签-3.16大信封回复: 关于IMM5669E问题yes, but in her case, 小学,初中,高中 unless she went to a trade school, it should be "general".
回复: 关于IMM5669E问题啊,那个也要填吗?我填了N/A,因为中小学不分专业。。。:(
这世界辽阔,我们会实现每一个梦。回复: 关于IMM5669E问题That doesn't matter. You put "N/A" is okay. don't worry too much.
回复: 关于IMM5669E问题谢谢 各位
魁北克团聚:7.10CIC签收、7.25AR1、8.9DM1、8.19AR2、9.06CSQ跪求火箭回复: 关于IMM5669E问题我也在填这个表,有如下问题:1学校或者工作单位名字长,写不下怎么办? 2工作经历比较多,可以在表格中插入行吗?3 工作经历,某年某月某日--至今, 这个至今就写你填表的时间吗?不能写“now"?4曾经的住址,都要精确到街道号码啊?我都不在那个城市了,也不记得多少号了。
入乡随俗!回复: 关于IMM5669E问题You can't modify the form. Don't insert another row in between. Look at the top of IMM5669E :"If there is not enough space to provide all the necessary information, attach this form a separate sheet of paper with further details. Print your name at the top of each additional sheet and indicate the form's title and the number of the question you are answering. " So you should print all the details which can't fit in the 5669E form to another piece of paper, then attach it to the original form.
回复: 关于IMM5669E问题You can't modify the form. Don't insert another row in between. Look at the top of IMM5669E :"If there is not enough space to provide all the necessary information, attach this form a separate sheet of paper with further details. Print your name at the top of each additional sheet and indicate the form's title and the number of the question you are answering. " So you should print all the details which can't fit in the 5669E form to another piece of paper, then attach it to the original form.点击展开...thank you very much.
入乡随俗!回复: 关于IMM5669E问题请问大家,1、那个status in country 是填什么的呢,是不是填在哪个省份啊?2、在这个表格中为何有些空格输入的字可以很小,可以输入很多字,而有些空格输入的字很大,只能输入几个字,不够写?
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