加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求教担保人资格问题
紧急求教问题。我2008年5月申请担保前妻来加,至2009年12月我前妻面试被拒签。之后夫妻关系恶化,2012年3月我回中国和前妻离婚。 2012年12月我再次回中国和现任妻子结婚。我现在要申请我妻子来加。原以为担保人资格没问题。但是看了sponsor评估表格iIMM1344E之 SPONSOR ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT第6项:have you submitted a previous application in respect of which a final decision has not been made for the person being sponsored and their family members? if you answer yes to question 6,you may not be eligible to be a sponsor . please refer to the guide for instructions before completing these questionsthese questions。请问我该如何处理这个问题。我的担保人资格能通过吗?
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题have you submitted a previous application in respect of which a final decision has not been made for the person being sponsored and their family members? 这个问题,你的情况回答是No.因为你的前妻的application已经final decision has been made,就是拒签。回答YES的是已经提交了担保配偶的申请,正在处理中,你不能再递交担保配偶的申请。
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题楼主职业搬运工呀。不是说5年后可以搬第二个吗?你好像过了5年了吧?
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题楼主职业搬运工呀。不是说5年后可以搬第二个吗?你好像过了5年了吧?点击展开...5年指的是搬运成的,楼主从来就没有“革命成功过”,正在努力中。
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题.
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题谢谢咕咚咕咚
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题5年指的是搬运成的,楼主从来就没有“革命成功过”,正在努力中。点击展开...5年指的是被搬运来加拿大的人5年之內不能搬运其他人。 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse-apply-who.asp You may not be eligible to be a sponsor if you:...were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than 5 years ago (See Five-year Sponsorship Bar for persons who were sponsored to come to Canada as a spouse or partner below)
回复: 紧急求教担保人资格问题thanks!
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