加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~



回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~申请的时候直接提供机票

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~Urgent processing of permanent resident card You are in Canada and have not applied If your travel date is more than three weeks away: Fill out the application as shown in applying for a permanent resident card.Include a photocopy of your proof of travel and proof of payment with your application. The proof of travel, such as tickets or an itinerary, must show:the dates you will be traveling,your personal information such as your full name, andyour destination (where you are going). The proof of payment can be part or full price for your travel. It must show: the date that you paid,the amount paid, andhow you paid. If you do not send all this information, we may not process your application urgently. We will process it normally. On your envelope, write: Urgent — Proof of travel included Next Steps: Within 10 business days, you can check the status of your application online. If your travel date is in less than three weeks: We cannot get a PR card to you before you leave Canada. Follow the steps for how you can return to Canada without a PR card.

Urgent processing of permanent resident card You are in Canada and have not applied If your travel date is more than three weeks away:感谢两位,感觉现在申请加急,可能会条件不符合(剩下不止3个月)。所以我准备拖到剩3个月的时候,直接申请加急。 Fill out the application as shown in applying for a permanent resident card.Include a photocopy of your proof of travel and proof of payment with your application. The proof of travel, such as tickets or an itinerary, must show:the dates you will be traveling,your personal information such as your full name, andyour destination (where you are going). The proof of payment can be part or full price for your travel. It must show: the date that you paid,the amount paid, andhow you paid. If you do not send all this information, we may not process your application urgently. We will process it normally. On your envelope, write: Urgent — Proof of travel included Next Steps: Within 10 business days, you can check the status of your application online. If your travel date is in less than three weeks: We cannot get a PR card to you before you leave Canada. Follow the steps for how you can return to Canada without a PR card.点击展开...感谢两位,也就是说现在申请加急可能条件不符,机票是3个多月后的? 那我准备等到剩下3个月的时候直接申请加急了。

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~我就是那样申请的,15天收到。

一晃已经是在加拿大的第五个年头~~赞反馈:河马 2013-10-29#6 upview 55 $0.00 回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~我按要求提供了加急申请,2个月内的机票,但是一样办了100天,我只好改签了机票。。。

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~为什么呀!有原因吗?我刚递了,12月底的机票,好紧张哦我按要求提供了加急申请,2个月内的机票,但是一样办了100天,我只好改签了机票。。。点击展开...

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~请问,你递交了后,几天后网上查到纪录?我就是那样申请的,15天收到。点击展开...

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~我的只用了两星期.

回复: 急问枫叶卡RENEW加急,感谢~你是自己去取的,还是寄回来的?我的只用了两星期.点击展开...

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