加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民付费的时候彻底凌乱了。。。
我是魁北克居民申请儿子和老公的团聚移民,儿子在加拿大探亲过来,老公还在国内。第一步递联邦付费的时候彻底凌乱了,麻烦各位高人指点下。不知道这样对不对?另外想请教大家,儿子在加拿大,老公在国内,是否可以放在一个CASE里,让老公带着儿子这样申请团聚?还是必须二人分开申请?多谢多谢!Family Class Sponsorship application (per application)$75.00 付两次,因为老公,儿子两个申请Principal applicant$475.00 付一次,老公的案子Principal applicant, if less than 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner (including a dependent child of the sponsor, a child to be adopted and an orphaned brother, sister, niece, nephew, or grandchild)$75.00 付一次,儿子的案子A family member of the principal applicant who is 22 years of age or older, or is less than 22 years of age and is a spouse or common-law partner$550.00 不付A family member of the principal applicant who is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner$150.00 不付Right of Permanent Residence Fee$490.00 付两次,老公和儿子 还是儿子应该算是老公的family member付150而不是75.。。。。。真心搞不懂
回复: 付费的时候彻底凌乱了。。。一码是一码,如果你 多交了,他们到最后也是会退给你的。
Jane's VO:Mengfm-2012.10.10CIC签收-11.14AR1-11.15DM1-2013.1.26AR2-1.28IP-1.29补护简历登陆费通知-2.8补料补护签收-4.9背调通知-5.10调档-6.11调档结果-9.20安面通知-10.21北京安面-11.20补X光通知-11.23体检-2014.1.2贴签-1.5DM2-1.13寄出-1.15大信封毕业[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 付费的时候彻底凌乱了。。。孩子22岁以下就是跟老公一起申请啊。
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