加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【求助】关于担保配偶资格规定的。
如题,在CIC网站看了下,有这个说明:Effective October 25, 2012, sponsored spouses or partners must now live together in a legitimate relationship with their sponsor for two years from the day they receive permanent residence status in Canada. If you are a spouse or partner being sponsored to come to Canada, this applies to you if:• You are being sponsored by a permanent resident or Canadian citizen•You have been in a relationship for two years or less with your sponsor•You have no children in common•Your application was received on or after October 25, 2012第二条是什么意思啊?时间要在两年以内吗???那我们结婚超过两年的怎么办啊? 还有就是我们也快有我们的孩子了,有了孩子就不能办了吗?请大大们帮忙解释一下,,,不太明白,,
回复: 求助关于担保配偶资格规定的。这个是有条件枫叶卡的附加条件。第二条真对结婚不到两年。还没有孩子,要求在一起必须住够两年。才会有正式的枫叶卡。否则,移民局有理由怀疑你婚姻真实性。如果有了孩子。两年期限自动失效。目的是防止假结婚。到加拿大后在一起不到两年分开的会被移民局怀疑假结婚。会被取消枫叶卡的危险这个与担保资格没关系。团聚移民收到枫叶卡后保证你持有枫叶卡的条件
回复: 求助关于担保配偶资格规定的。嘿嘿,仔细看了才明白,,,谢谢啦!
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