加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于表格IMM0008填写问题,请教!
老公是加国公民,我和女儿(18周岁)都是中国人.现在准备材料.这个问题How many family members,including you,are in this application? 到底只算我女儿和我呢?还是我们一家人3个都算?官方给出的填表指南这样写:Indicate the total number of family members included in your application. This includes yourself and any family members, regardless of whether they intend to accompany you to Canada or not.官方指南写明whether they intend to accompany you to Canada or not.所以就这个问题正确答案到底是2呢还是3?求高人指点!感谢!
回复: 关于表格IMM0008填写问题,请教!2个,你老公是公民,不算
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