加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教Option C除了跟CRA打电话之外, 可能自己在税局



北京:2014.09.25签收:)--2014.11.15AR1 2014-08-04#2 VanillaSky_2013 360 $0.00 应该不行吧,CIC要的就是CRA的原件。

Hong Kong Case, Oct 31 Application Sent, Nov 30 AR1, Dec 4 DM1, Dec 16 AR2, Mar 13 IP, Mar 20 PPR, Apr 10 NO Criminal Record Sent, Apr 16 Passport Sent, May 21 DM2,May 23 COPR Received. Sep 26 Landed ~~ 应该不行吧,CIC要的就是CRA的原件。点击展开...谢谢

北京:2014.09.25签收:)--2014.11.15AR1 2014-08-05#4 Sweetheart88 29 $0.00 不行,打去24小时电话自助申请要option c就好10天左右收到,还有要提供税单所以可以一起apply从cra

2014 04 自己准备材料(境内,BC省)2014 08 03 寄出2014 08 07 canada post显示签收2014 08 20 收到Ar1,Fn到手 2014-08-06#5 笨卡地 79 $0.00 税单?你说的Notice of Assessment?

北京:2014.09.25签收:)--2014.11.15AR1税单?你说的Notice of Assessment?点击展开...我境内递交的材料上面有要optionc 和t4 t5之类的 不知道你是否需要 呵呵

2014 04 自己准备材料(境内,BC省)2014 08 03 寄出2014 08 07 canada post显示签收2014 08 20 收到Ar1,Fn到手 2014-08-08#7 VanillaSky_2013 360 $0.00 I don't think family class needs all that paper, A option C is way good enough~~

Hong Kong Case, Oct 31 Application Sent, Nov 30 AR1, Dec 4 DM1, Dec 16 AR2, Mar 13 IP, Mar 20 PPR, Apr 10 NO Criminal Record Sent, Apr 16 Passport Sent, May 21 DM2,May 23 COPR Received. Sep 26 Landed ~~ I don't think family class needs all that paper, A option C is way good enough~~点击展开...checklist 上明确写了要,呵呵 我不知道国内准备材料的checklist怎么写的。1564621.jpg

2014 04 自己准备材料(境内,BC省)2014 08 03 寄出2014 08 07 canada post显示签收2014 08 20 收到Ar1,Fn到手I don't think family class needs all that paper, A option C is way good enough~~点击展开...如果只要option C printout 为什么最后是写To obtain these printouts

2014 04 自己准备材料(境内,BC省)2014 08 03 寄出2014 08 07 canada post显示签收2014 08 20 收到Ar1,Fn到手 2014-08-10#10 VanillaSky_2013 360 $0.00 option C.jpg First of all, there are a lot differences for inside or outside Canada applications.Secondly, it's different to identify "Sponsor", all depends on what kind of family members are sponsoring. For example, parents and grandparents or the dependent member has dependent child, there is minimum inquiry for sponsor's income so your checklist is applied.The only consideration from CIC to approve sponsorship is to see whether the sponsor is receiving social assistance. And the "OPTION C PRINTOUT" is good enough to verify. BTW, CRA only provides Option C, T4 and T5 are not from them.

Hong Kong Case, Oct 31 Application Sent, Nov 30 AR1, Dec 4 DM1, Dec 16 AR2, Mar 13 IP, Mar 20 PPR, Apr 10 NO Criminal Record Sent, Apr 16 Passport Sent, May 21 DM2,May 23 COPR Received. Sep 26 Landed ~~ 浏览附件355242 First of all, there are a lot differences for inside or outside Canada applications.Secondly, it's different to identify "Sponsor", all depends on what kind of family members are sponsoring. For example, parents and grandparents or the dependent member has dependent child, there is minimum inquiry for sponsor's income so your checklist is applied.The only consideration from CIC to approve sponsorship is to see whether the sponsor is receiving social assistance. And the "OPTION C PRINTOUT" is good enough to verify. BTW, CRA only provides Option C, T4 and T5 are not from them.点击展开...

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