加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CSQ后要做哪些?



BJ 配偶和孩子 9月22日签收 11月5日 AR1+DM1(电子邮件)11月17日 CSQ递交签收 11月24日CSQ通过 11月24日 AR2+MER(网查,没有邮件)2015年3月24日 AR2邮件+申请人UCI号码 case被转到香港 2014-12-02#2 nssc 829 $0.00 请按照cic官网一步步来操作,你的所有问题上面都有回答

kathy29 说:请教各位,老公和孩子的团聚移民(魁省)上周已经收到CSQ了。CSQ一式两份,是不是需要寄一份回国给老公以便补护照时一并提交呢?扫描件可不可以?护照是等邮件通知后再补,还是现在主动提交?点击展开...请问你收到的DM1信是什么内容?我是9月23日递料cic,11月10日收到DM1,可会DM1上并没有像论坛里的前辈们收到的那样,写了要求向魁省的MICC申请CSQ;昨天,也就是12月2日,收到了北京大使馆的AR2,可我还不知道我该什么时候申请CSQ呢?

23/9/2014,签收,10/11/2014,DM1,25/3/2015,BJ case被转香港,4/6/2015,补体检;8/16/2015,使馆确认收到体检结果;8/20/2015,补CSQ;请教各位,老公和孩子的团聚移民(魁省)上周已经收到CSQ了。CSQ一式两份,是不是需要寄一份回国给老公以便补护照时一并提交呢?扫描件可不可以?护照是等邮件通知后再补,还是现在主动提交?点击展开...下面是我的DM1信的内容:(请帮我看看和你收到的DM1是一样的内容吗?)You have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor. Accordingly, the Application for PermanentResidence for your relative(s) has been forwarded to a visa office abroad for further processing.Should you need to submit additional information or make any further enquiries regarding theApplication for Permanent Residence for your relative(s), you may contact the visa office by e-mail,fax, or in writing as follows:BeijingEmbassy of CanadaVisa Section19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing100600, China (PRC)E-mail: https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=beijingFax number: (86-10) 5139-4449This visa office was selected based on your relative’s home address and the requirements of theImmigration and Refugee Protection Act.If you received this communication via email, please note that another copy will not be mailed to you.Reminder – Your undertaking is an unconditional promise of supportThe undertaking you signed is an unconditional promise to financially support and provide basicrequirements for your sponsored relative(s). This undertaking is not broken by such changes as thegranting of Canadian citizenship, divorce, separation, relationship breakdown, moving to anotherprovince, or a change in your financial situation. Your obligations as a sponsor begin as soon as yoursponsored relative and, if applicable, their accompanying family members become permanentresidents of Canada. This undertaking cannot be cancelled once permanent resident visas are issuedto them。When should I contact CIC?You must notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, death of a family member, a marriage or a divorce;Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number);Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual;Decision to withdraw your application.You have the option to withdraw your application at any point in the process, provided that a final decision has not been made on your relative's application for permanent residence. You may be eligible for a refund of the sponsorship fee or the permanent resident application fee if processing of your file has not yet begun.You must report any changes to your address, telephone number(s) and email address immediately by contacting the Call Centre. Changes to your address should be made through our online service at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/change-address.asp. Failure to provide a current or correct address may result in delays in the processing of your application.Contact InformationFor information about Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) programs and services, application forms, or general updates on your file status, visit our web site at www.cic.gc.ca.To contact this office and for more information on what to expect next, please refer to the After You Apply webpage at www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse-apply-after.asp.How do I check the status of my application?You may use your 8-digit Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number located at the top left of this correspondence to check the status of your application on the CIC website. Please visit www.cic.gc.ca/english and select “Check your application status”.How long will it take to process my application?Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times by visiting the CIC website at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm-fc.asp. Please note that, given the high volume of inquiries submitted to this office and Canadian visa offices abroad, status updates on cases are not normally provided unless the processing time for a file is longer than the service standards outlined in the CIC website.Sincerely,Officer LBCase Processing Centre Mississauga

23/9/2014,签收,10/11/2014,DM1,25/3/2015,BJ case被转香港,4/6/2015,补体检;8/16/2015,使馆确认收到体检结果;8/20/2015,补CSQ;请问你收到的DM1信是什么内容?我是9月23日递料cic,11月10日收到DM1,可会DM1上并没有像论坛里的前辈们收到的那样,写了要求向魁省的MICC申请CSQ;昨天,也就是12月2日,收到了北京大使馆的AR2,可我还不知道我该什么时候申请CSQ呢?点击展开...人家和你走的2条路,问了也白问

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