加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民DM1文件上写这这么一句话觉得很奇怪
我刚刚收到DM1 Email,等了3个半月,之前打电话,CIC一直在说正在review,让我耐心等待。DM1 信上面写着这么一句话,觉得很奇怪:Dear XXX:This refers to the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class you submitted to this office on behalf of XXXX(date of birth XXXX ) and family (if applicable).As requested, your file has been updated to include the additional dependent and all Federal eligibility requirements for sponsorship have been met. Accordingly, the visa office processing the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative(s) has been advised of this change.我不知道之前为什么CIC要review这么长时间,而且现在告诉我include the additional dependent。不知道这是什么意思。我的情况是我老婆在国内怀孕了,我是9月16号递完申请才知道的,打算DM1下来之后再告诉CIC,不知道CIC 写这么一句话,是不是他们知道我老婆怀孕了,把我孩子也包括在申请里面了,怎么可能呢,我又没告诉他们。不知道这句话是这个意思吗?还有我是魁省团聚,我是现在告诉移民局还是等案子转到北京后告诉北京visa office?
是不是你老婆告诉的。我刚刚收到DM1 Email,等了3个半月,之前打电话,CIC一直在说正在review,让我耐心等待。DM1 信上面写着这么一句话,觉得很奇怪:Dear XXX:This refers to the Application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class you submitted to this office on behalf of XXXX(date of birth XXXX ) and family (if applicable).As requested, your file has been updated to include the additional dependent and all Federal eligibility requirements for sponsorship have been met. Accordingly, the visa office processing the Application for Permanent Residence for your relative(s) has been advised of this change.我不知道之前为什么CIC要review这么长时间,而且现在告诉我include the additional dependent。不知道这是什么意思。我的情况是我老婆在国内怀孕了,我是9月16号递完申请才知道的,打算DM1下来之后再告诉CIC,不知道CIC 写这么一句话,是不是他们知道我老婆怀孕了,把我孩子也包括在申请里面了,怎么可能呢,我又没告诉他们。不知道这句话是这个意思吗?还有我是魁省团聚,我是现在告诉移民局还是等案子转到北京后告诉北京visa office?点击展开...
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