加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在评估担保人阶段,申请人换工作,要通知cic吗
在评估担保人阶段,担保人在加,刚收到cic的邮件,This confirms that your application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2001/07/27 on behalf of the following member(s):申请人在国内换工作,要通知cic吗?
2015/7/27 CIC签收2015/8/26 AR1 2015/9/28 DM1 2015/10/08 AR2(Hong Kong)2015/10/09 IMM10172015/10/13 体检2015/10/20 MR have been received. 在评估担保人阶段,担保人在加,刚收到cic的邮件,This confirms that your application to Sponsor a Member of the Family Class has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2001/07/27 on behalf of the following member(s):申请人在国内换工作,要通知cic吗?点击展开...不需要。你确定日期没搞错吗?
老橡树 说:不需要。你确定日期没搞错吗?点击展开...cic把日期弄错了,应该是2015/07/27
2015/7/27 CIC签收2015/8/26 AR1 2015/9/28 DM1 2015/10/08 AR2(Hong Kong)2015/10/09 IMM10172015/10/13 体检2015/10/20 MR have been received. 赏 2015-09-19#4 J 106 $0.00 We received your application to sponsor xx on July 27, 2001.We sent you correspondence acknowledging receipt of your application(s) on August 26, 2015.We started processing your application on August 25, 2015.cic的确弄错了日期。
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