加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民境内团聚等不到landing
你比我好很多 我14年8月中递的 现在第一步还没结果啊
是要一两个月后才有下一步。不放心打电话去call centre问问看
我是15年1月开始受理我的案子,今天给我来了封信:This refers to the Application for Permanent Residence you made under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class. We are pleased to advise you that processing of your application has been completed. The Canada Immigration Centre in Etobicoke will contact you to arrange an appointment for the finalization of your permanent resident application. IMPORTANT: You and your family members, if any, will be required to present original identification document(s) to the Canada Immigration Centre at your appointment. A final decision concerning the granting of permanent residence status will be made at that time. If permanent residence is granted, the name that will appear on the confirmation of permanent resident document is your name as it appears on your passport or identity documents.是要我去面试后才决定是否给我pr 是吗?
Nancy824 说:我是15年1月开始受理我的案子,今天给我来了封信:This refers to the Application for Permanent Residence you made under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class.We are pleased to advise you that processing of your application has been completed. The Canada Immigration Centre in Etobicoke will contact you to arrange an appointment for the finalization of your permanent resident application.是要我去面试后才决定是否给我pr 是吗?点击展开...叫你去就是基本决定给你了。interview时候几个非常简单的问题。类似这些问题:6. Typical questions at the landing interview:To the sponsor:Are you still married / in a common-law relationship?Do you understand the commitment of the sponsorship?Do you still want to sponsor your partner?To the applicant:Have you committed any crimes in or outside Canada or had any problems with the law?Have you ever been refused entry or been deported from Canada or any other country?Do you have any depends in or outside Canada?When was your first and last entry to Canada?
Nancy824 说:我是15年1月开始受理我的案子,今天给我来了封信:This refers to the Application for Permanent Residence you made under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class.We are pleased to advise you that processing of your application has been completed. The Canada Immigration Centre in Etobicoke will contact you to arrange an appointment for the finalization of your permanent resident application.IMPORTANT: You and your family members, if any, will be required to present original identification document(s) to the Canada Immigration Centre at your appointment. A final decision concerning the granting of permanent residence status will be made at that time. If permanent residence is granted, the name that will appear on the confirmation of permanent resident document is your name as it appears on your passport or identity documents.是要我去面试后才决定是否给我pr 是吗?点击展开...看你发的英文是这个意思
beryl_cui 说:叫你去就是基本决定给你了。interview时候几个非常简单的问题。类似这些问题:6. Typical questions at the landing interview:To the sponsor:Are you still married / in a common-law relationship?Do you understand the commitment of the sponsorship?Do you still want to sponsor your partner?To the applicant:Have you committed any crimes in or outside Canada or had any problems with the law?Have you ever been refused entry or been deported from Canada or any other country?Do you have any depends in or outside Canada?When was your first and last entry to Canada?点击展开...谢谢美女这么详尽的解释,但这些问题正是我的短板。我有2次加拿大拒签,1次美国拒签,大约都是10年前的纪录。但我结婚是真的,虽然也是闪婚。哎,所有的需要面试的条件我都具备了。各位亲们有什么高招指点?
maqingyi 说:看你发的英文是这个意思点击展开...谢谢,我明白了。
Nancy824 说:谢谢美女这么详尽的解释,但这些问题正是我的短板。我有2次加拿大拒签,1次美国拒签,大约都是10年前的纪录。但我结婚是真的,虽然也是闪婚。哎,所有的需要面试的条件我都具备了。各位亲们有什么高招指点?点击展开...拒签正常,不是在边境被拒绝入境。谁没有个拒签啊……不要紧
beryl_cui 说:拒签正常,不是在边境被拒绝入境。谁没有个拒签啊……不要紧点击展开...你这么说,我心里踏实多了,谢谢你美女。你的那个面试资料有完整的吗?
Nancy824 说:你这么说,我心里踏实多了,谢谢你美女。你的那个面试资料有完整的吗?点击展开...面试分很多种,你已经decision made了。那这时候就只是我贴的几个问题,很快的,两分钟问完了就通过。只是看在最近这两年你们是否最近离婚了不担保你了或者你最近犯罪了不能申请了。别人说的面试是case审理过程中没有决定时候考察婚姻真实啊、是否间谍啊,或者随机抽面试的题目,很多很细。你就不用担心了。唯一需要注意的是不要错过了,按时间拿着信去就可以。
beryl_cui 说:面试分很多种,你已经decision made了。那这时候就只是我贴的几个问题,很快的,两分钟问完了就通过。只是看在最近这两年你们是否最近离婚了不担保你了或者你最近犯罪了不能申请了。别人说的面试是case审理过程中没有决定时候考察婚姻真实啊、是否间谍啊,或者随机抽面试的题目,很多很细。你就不用担心了。唯一需要注意的是不要错过了,按时间拿着信去就可以。点击展开...太谢谢你了,我是10年前离婚的,我先生是2年前前妻过世了。应该没有你说的这些问题。我等面试信来了按时去就好了。
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