加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM3903E 13项 地址标签 是否所有地址都要填中文
ADDRESS IN CHINESE CHARACTERS AND CONTACT NUMBERSWhere indicated, provide your address in Chinese characters as well as in English, including postal code, to ensure effective communication with the visa office. The mailing address you provide must be the residential address of a person or the business address of a firm. A post office box number is not acceptable.If you have designated a third party to represent you, we will automatically direct all correspondence to this person or firm at their mailing address.It is your responsibility to ensure that the mailing address is reliable and that any changes are reported to us promptly. Failure to do so could result in substantial processing delays and even in the refusal of your application.If you are applying in Beijing, include eight (8) address labels with mailing address in Chinese.除了准备8个地址标签以外,这段话的意思是说,所有其他表格里面的地址都要填中文英文两个版本吗?谢谢!
大饼子 说:所有出现中国地址的地方都提供中英双语就错不了。点击展开...啊?真的吗?那空间可是大大的不够的啊。
Mr_小石头 说:啊?真的吗?那空间可是大大的不够的啊。点击展开...写不下就附一张纸写,然后在相应的问题旁注明“please see the attached page for this question”etc。其它的表格也会有很多问题需要附纸写的。
·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题