移民部:擔保配偶移民等待時間減至一年加拿大聯邦移民及公民部長麥家廉12月7日宣佈,擔保配偶移民個案的處理時間會從當前的兩年降低到一年。麥家廉說,從今12月7日宣佈開始,無論申請人在加拿大本國還是海外,配偶擔保個案處理時間都只需12個月。已經交了申請表的人無須再等多一年,移民部會按照入紙的先後次序去處理有關申請。當局估計,會有6萬4前任受惠。申請過程也得到了簡化。以前180頁的申請指南現在縮減到75頁。麥家廉表示,聯邦政府將會從12月15號開設新的網上申請。配額增加加拿大移民部承諾在2017年度接受6.4萬新的團聚移民(包括配偶、同居伴侶和未成年子女),這部分移民配額將會受惠於新的提速政策,而能在一年內登陸加拿大。以下是加拿大移民部官網英語原文︰Government of Canada delivering faster processing and shorter wait times for spousal reunification December 7, 2016 – Ottawa, ON – The Government of Canada is making it faster and easier for Canadians and permanent residents to reunite with their spouses.At the direction of the Minister, earlier this year Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) began a concerted effort to reduce processing times. From the start of 2016 to the fall, processing times were reduced by 15 percent for in-Canada applications and just over 10 percent for applications outside Canada.Starting today, processing times will be reduced even further with most spousal applications now being processed in 12 months. Complex cases may require more time.Applicants who already filed an application will not have to wait an additional 12 months to have them finalized. IRCC will continue to process applications in the order they have been received. Most families who have been waiting should have a decision on their sponsorship application no later than the end of December 2017.These new changes are expected to benefit more than 64 000 applicants by the end of 2017, and are the latest measures to bring families together.Quote“We have listened to Canadians and are delivering results. Bringing families together makes for a stronger Canada. Canadians who marry someone from abroad shouldn’t have to wait for years to have them immigrate or be left with uncertainty in terms of their ability to stay. What we’re announcing today is a more efficient, more considerate process to reunite families.”– The Honourable John McCallum, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and CitizenshipQuick factsThe application kit for new sponsors has been redesigned to be simpler and easier to understand. It will be available on December 15, 2016.To bring families together, IRCC plans to admit 64 000 spouses and dependants in 2017, well above the average over the past decade of about 47 000.
6万4 ,相比于去年的是多了还是少了,,,,,
FFF福高龙 说:6万4 ,相比于去年的是多了还是少了,,,,,点击展开...data from last year is not available, latest available data is from 2014. You can see that, immigrant from China (PRC) drop from #1 to #3. Philippines people become the #1 source of immigrant to Canada.India is #2, but if it just count by south Asia people (brown people from former British India area, include India + Pakistan + Bangladesh + Sri Lanka), they are the #1.Immigrant number from greater China area in 2014;PRC 24640Taiwan: 691Hong Kong: 586Macao: 37

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