加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新版团聚移民的附带资料问题
One (1) document from three (3) of the following sets of options:Joint ownership of residential property or joint residential leases or joint rental agreements listing both the sponsor and the principal applicant; (Minimum 1 document).Proof of joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone); (Minimum 1 document).Important documents for you and your sponsor showing the same address, such as copies of Government issued identification documents: driver's licenses, insurance policies, etc.Important documents for you or your sponsor showing that you are recognized as each other's spouse (such as employment or insurance benefits). (Minimum 1 document).Documentary evidence of financial support between your sponsor and yourself.Other proof that your relationship is recognized by your friends and/or family (e.g. Letters, social media information showing a public relationship, etc.)请问,这6项有点奇怪,双方不住一起怎样提供前面3个资料呢?另一半在国内,没来过加国,探亲都没办过。后面3项可以办,但是现在办是不是有点造作,被怀疑呢?资料2017年4月递交了,然后5月23日退回来说这里需要补资料,有谁遇到过了吗?可以帮忙解决一下吗?谢谢!
我是按照要求正常提交的档案。 我是4月19号寄走的,至今还没有收到回复。你是哪一天寄走的?
lanes 说:One (1) document from three (3) of the following sets of options:Joint ownership of residential property or joint residential leases or joint rental agreements listing both the sponsor and the principal applicant; (Minimum 1 document).Proof of joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone); (Minimum 1 document).Important documents for you and your sponsor showing the same address, such as copies of Government issued identification documents: driver's licenses, insurance policies, etc.Important documents for you or your sponsor showing that you are recognized as each other's spouse (such as employment or insurance benefits). (Minimum 1 document).Documentary evidence of financial support between your sponsor and yourself.Other proof that your relationship is recognized by your friends and/or family (e.g. Letters, social media information showing a public relationship, etc.)请问,这6项有点奇怪,双方不住一起怎样提供前面3个资料呢?另一半在国内,没来过加国,探亲都没办过。后面3项可以办,但是现在办是不是有点造作,被怀疑呢?资料2017年4月递交了,然后5月23日退回来说这里需要补资料,有谁遇到过了吗?可以帮忙解决一下吗?谢谢!点击展开...你是选了加拿大境内申请团聚的表格来填吧?
al_yang 说:你是选了加拿大境内申请团聚的表格来填吧?点击展开...没有啊,新的表格好像就这个!
al_yang 说:你是选了加拿大境内申请团聚的表格来填吧?点击展开...没有,境外,outside Canada. 我的应该还没有打开吧...
lanes 说:12号。那么这上面的项目,你提交了什么,具体是些什么?点击展开...我提交了生活照,婚礼照,聊天记录,表格和收据。其他都没什么了
焦急的心 说:我提交了生活照,婚礼照,聊天记录,表格和收据。其他都没什么了点击展开...你有附带解释为什么没有这些吗?
焦急的心 说:我提交了生活照,婚礼照,聊天记录,表格和收据。其他都没什么了点击展开...还有,被申请人所提交的证件照片,后面需要印有日期和照相馆名字,你们有按照这个要求吗??因为国内好多照相馆都没有这个东西,当时问了中介,他们说没事。
·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池