加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助:保留孩子申请权的问题
平平淡淡才是真 说:10年前的名帖:《关于涉外婚姻申请家庭团聚的小经验》,申请人的儿子保留申请权,面试通过了。还有一个帖子,不记得名字了,也是申请人前夫不愿做同意孩子出国的公证书,她递交了保留孩子申请权,也都通过了。为什么现在就不行了呢?是政策变了吗?还是什么原因?今天咨询时我说起家园网友申请成功的例子,她说这是硬性指标,政府审批的东西不是个人能力可以做到的(这是她的原话)。希望有最近相同情况申请成功的兄弟姐妹,给指点一下点击展开...帮你找到这段说明,希望对你有帮助http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5525ETOC.asp#formsNon-accompanying dependant:Children who meet the definition of a dependent child but who are not immigrating to Canada along with the principal applicant. They must be listed on the principal applicant’s application for permanent residence and must be examined in order to process the principal applicant and remain eligible for sponsorship at a later date.按这段说明,意思是你的申请中要列出暂不申请的小孩,这样小孩以后还可以申请团聚.
icube 说:帮你找到这段说明,希望对你有帮助http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5525ETOC.asp#formsNon-accompanying dependant:Children who meet the definition of a dependent child but who are not immigrating to Canada along with the principal applicant. They must be listed on the principal applicant’s application for permanent residence and must be examined in order to process the principal applicant and remain eligible for sponsorship at a later date.按这段说明,意思是你的申请中要列出暂不申请的小孩,这样小孩以后还可以申请团聚.点击展开...太感谢了!!!
平平淡淡才是真 说:新问题继续请教:家园的帖子说,想保留孩子申请权,必须要体检(以前他们都是直接给孩子体检,递交保留申请权)现在是得到通知再体检。可以直接带孩子去指定医院体检吗?还是必须要有了通知,才有资格体检?现在这种情况(不能同时申请孩子,想保留申请权)如何得到孩子的体检通知呢?点击展开...你提交申请了吗现在的应该是提交申请后,才会通知做体检的,要求体检通知里会说明的,要到CIC认可的医生那里体检才可以,不一起去的小孩,应该也要体检,不然申请人的申请会不通过的,具体你以CIC网上的指引和通知为准Do your medical examAll of your family members need to pass a medical exam, even if they aren’t applying to come to Canada with you. Failure to declare and have family members examined will affect your application, and your ability to sponsor them in the future.After you’ve linked your application, you’ll be able to check to see if you (and your family members, if applicable) have received a request to do your medical exams. If you get a request for a medical exam through your online account, it will include instructions about what to do. You’ll need to print the form and the instructions for each person.You shouldn’t be concerned if you don’t receive a request to do your medical exam immediately after you link your application. Because medical results can expire, we might not ask you to do your medical exam right away. This is to reduce the chance that a new medical exam will be required later.If you or your representative do not link your application, we’ll send the request for your medical exam by email or by mail.Once you get a request for a medical exam, you must:make sure you bring the IMM 1017 form with you to your exam. This will ensure you aren’t asked to do medical tests that aren’t needed to process your application and that there are no issues linking medical results to your applicationdo the medical exam within 30 days of medical instructions being issued to you.
icube 说:你提交申请了吗现在的应该是提交申请后,才会通知做体检的,要求体检通知里会说明的,要到CIC认可的医生那里体检才可以,不一起去的小孩,应该也要体检,不然申请人的申请会不通过的,具体你以CIC网上的指引和通知为准Do your medical examAll of your family members need to pass a medical exam, even if they aren’t applying to come to Canada with you. Failure to declare and have family members examined will affect your application, and your ability to sponsor them in the future.After you’ve linked your application, you’ll be able to check to see if you (and your family members, if applicable) have received a request to do your medical exams. If you get a request for a medical exam through your online account, it will include instructions about what to do. You’ll need to print the form and the instructions for each person.You shouldn’t be concerned if you don’t receive a request to do your medical exam immediately after you link your application. Because medical results can expire, we might not ask you to do your medical exam right away. This is to reduce the chance that a new medical exam will be required later.If you or your representative do not link your application, we’ll send the request for your medical exam by email or by mail.Once you get a request for a medical exam, you must:make sure you bring the IMM 1017 form with you to your exam. This will ensure you aren’t asked to do medical tests that aren’t needed to process your application and that there are no issues linking medical results to your applicationdo the medical exam within 30 days of medical instructions being issued to you.点击展开...多谢您的仔细回复
平平淡淡才是真 说:问题又来了看以前的帖子,这种不同时申请的孩子,需要做委托寄养公证。孩子放在申请人父母(孩子的爷爷奶奶家)照顾,公证处需要原配偶在委托书上签字,才给做寄养委托公证。可对方不配合,不去公证处签字,做不成了。有同样情况的TZ吗?想保留孩子申请权,但又提供不了委托寄养公证书,就写一个解释信么?还是怎么办点击展开...建议你找个移民律师咨询
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