Toronto 赏 2017-04-19#2

baihuazs 说:顶一下,时间点一样,有童鞋能分享吗?点击展开...
Toronto 赏 2017-04-24#5 曦 23 $0.00 就是你的材料已经转到香港,进行下一步,也就是移民局进行对你爱人的审理了。再有,如果不面试的话,体检后大约1.2个月后应该就补护了,假如要面试的话,时间还要更久一点。
曦曦 说:就是你的材料已经转到香港,进行下一步,也就是移民局进行对你爱人的审理了。再有,如果不面试的话,体检后大约1.2个月后应该就补护了,假如要面试的话,时间还要更久一点。点击展开...谢谢!刚看CIC网站,多了 一条 We started processing your application on April 24, 2017.
Toronto 赏 2017-05-05#7 L 618 $0.00 昨天接到香港方面来信,如下:In order to prepare your application for further processing, the following documentation must be received by our office within 30 days from the date of this letter:For the principal applicant and all dependents, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:Ø If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.Ø If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport. DO NOT submit your original passport at this time.Ø If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdfFor the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:Ø Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).Ø Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)Ø If not yet submitted: Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 months or more since the age of 18. For instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp. If you are unable to submit police certificate(s) within the 30 day deadline, submit proof of having applied for the certificate with your package.For the principal applicant:Ø If not yet paid and not exempt: Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). To avoid processing delays, we strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. To pay your fees online, click here: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/epay/welcome.do.For all dependent children, whether accompanying or not:Ø If not yet submitted: Copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a scanned notarized copy of the original Medical Certificate of Birth issued by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted).For all dependent* children 19 and over:Ø Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. Documentation must include transcripts.ORØ Evidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.*Note: To review the definition of a dependent child, please visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2014-06-23.aspPlease submit all the requested documents with a copy of this letter in a single package. If there are any documents you are unable to submit in your package, please include a detailed explanation.All documents must be in either English or French. Any documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.The above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information already submitted with this application. This may result in the refusal of your application.不知道到了这一步,还差多远的路可走? 希望有同样过程的好心人分享一下。
Toronto 赏 2017-05-18#10

Start over 赏

Eva's 说:请问境内申请的是不是没有这些?我一月初递交的,上个星期收到体检通知,今天做完所有的。想知道后续还有什么要做的?谢谢点击展开...我的timeline跟你的一样,也是境内一月提交的团聚,昨天体检完后,医生说会将结果上传移民局,是不是我们自己什么也不用做?
gebilaowang 说:我的timeline跟你的一样,也是境内一月提交的团聚,昨天体检完后,医生说会将结果上传移民局,是不是我们自己什么也不用做?点击展开...是的,什麼都不用做。過一段去自己戶口可以看到結果。
Eva's 说:请问境内申请的是不是没有这些?我一月初递交的,上个星期收到体检通知,今天做完所有的。想知道后续还有什么要做的?谢谢点击展开...接下來通知補無犯罪證明
Toronto 赏 2017-06-20#17

FIX 说:大家有新的消息了吗?点击展开...没有
Toronto 赏 2017-06-26#19 G 2 $0.00 我是加拿大境内提交的 不走香港....
·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?