加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【求助】夫妻团聚移民无法Link Application
折腾了两礼拜了还是不成功第一部分Application #, UCI, Family Name各种组合都试过了第二部分Place of Birth不填或者只填一个空格不行了,说是一定要填,然后城市名Shanghai全大写全小写还有首字母大写都湿了第三部分护照信息倒是可以留空,留不留空也都试了第四部分照申请表信息填,Number of Applicants填1或者2也都试了依然显示连不上啊,心力交瘁了,请问各位还有没有什么高招?
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2 赏 2018-01-02#3 M 568 $0.00 团聚移民材料都是邮寄材料啊 。怎么。。?
number of Applicant 你填三试试。一人,二人,三人都要试试。
邮寄之后第二步是 链接你的账号,就是他的这步
tk56_56 说:搬过家么,如果搬过家,可能城市不同实在不行,你试试那个帮助的联系我们呢?点击展开...没有呢,一直都是一个城市Support里面Technical Difficulty和Spouse Class发了两封,把我填的信息和错误都上传附件了,回的邮件都是一堆没用的链接,感觉他们根本就没看呐
evayuling 说:number of Applicant 你填三试试。一人,二人,三人都要试试。点击展开...谢谢!今天5次已经满了,明天再试试!
1. Log in with GC Key account 2. Permanent Residence - Family Class (Spouses) 2. Application Number and Family Name - Copy/paste application number from email (including the F) and enter PA's last name 3. City of Birth - enter 1 space (hit spacebar once 4. Country of Birth - Select PA's country of birth 5. Passport Info - Do not enter any passport info6. Other Application Info - Fill out the other application info as per your application and put '2' as the number of members in the application for sponsor + spouse (add +1 per dependents) 1. choose application # and Family name 2. Do not fill place of birth and county of birth leave both of them blank not even a space.3. Fill passport information 4.fill the last part as in your application 5. # of applicants =2 PS: make sure that number of applicants is correct. If it's just the PA, then number will be 2 including sponsor. If there is any dependant increase the count accordingly. I DID NOT use the Spacebar thing for City of town, because it always asked to me put actual city name. So here's what I did: Use PA's Account Permanent Resident --> Family Class (Spouses) Choose = Family Name, Given Name, Birth Date Enter PA's Family Name, Given Name, Birth Date (I copy pasted Family and Given Names from the application file - not sure if that made any difference) Enter accurate Passport Information as it is on you application (I copy pasted the Passport Number - not sure if that made any difference) Enter Province and City where PA intends to live (Enter as it is in your application)Marital Status = Married # of applicants = 2 (PA + Sponsor) enter program exactly as stated on IM0008ENU doc mine was permenant residence and spouse UCI and family name (Name typed in all caps) leave birthplace empty fillout passport information enter province and city and number of people in app (EXACTLY AS IM0008ENU document)
kevindepp 说:折腾了两礼拜了还是不成功第一部分Application #, UCI, Family Name各种组合都试过了第二部分Place of Birth不填或者只填一个空格不行了,说是一定要填,然后城市名Shanghai全大写全小写还有首字母大写都湿了第三部分护照信息倒是可以留空,留不留空也都试了第四部分照申请表信息填,Number of Applicants填1或者2也都试了依然显示连不上啊,心力交瘁了,请问各位还有没有什么高招?点击展开...请问楼主是18年递交的材料吗?我们是1月交的材料 选择还没收到FN号码楼主可否愿意交流一下境内团聚
娇甘雅 说:请问楼主是18年递交的材料吗?我们是1月交的材料 选择还没收到FN号码楼主可否愿意交流一下境内团聚点击展开...我是聖誕節寄的 境內 現在讓補交5669和無犯罪證明
FayeChan 说:我是聖誕節寄的 境內 現在讓補交5669和無犯罪證明点击展开...你好 我们收到档案号了但是我们在魁省 现在要求我们体交魁省材料你是哪个省的?交5669 和无犯罪证明是第几步?谢谢
娇甘雅 说:你好 我们收到档案号了但是我们在魁省 现在要求我们体交魁省材料你是哪个省的?交5669 和无犯罪证明是第几步?谢谢点击展开...我是BC省 先是寄資料 之後收到回郵 用檔案號上自己賬號 就發現給了一封信 要求補交5669和無犯罪證明 我也是交的境內 現在老後悔了 應該選境外 聽說境內現在不能回去 不知道是不是?
不是的 可以回去
FayeChan 说:我是BC省 先是寄資料 之後收到回郵 用檔案號上自己賬號 就發現給了一封信 要求補交5669和無犯罪證明 我也是交的境內 現在老後悔了 應該選境外 聽說境內現在不能回去 不知道是不是?点击展开...那你现在已经到什么程度了?体检了吗我没啥概念
娇甘雅 说:不是的 可以回去点击展开...当然可以回去,不过很多过来人的经验是不建议回去,因为你有可能进不来。很多人进来了并不等于你一定进的来,所以要不要回去是个风险自负的决定。
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