加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民境外配偶团聚Im0008
请问Imm0008里, 被担保人的家属应包括她的父母和兄弟吗? 我没看到有父母的选项.
按5525定义Family members:An applicant’s closest relatives, in the context of an application. It is defined as aspouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and their dependent children. Seesubsection 1(3) of the IRPR for the legal definition.不包括父母及兄弟姊妹
frankming 说:按5525定义Family members:An applicant’s closest relatives, in the context of an application. It is defined as aspouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and their dependent children. Seesubsection 1(3) of the IRPR for the legal definition.不包括父母及兄弟姊妹点击展开...Thanks lots
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