加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民question on sponsorship form 1344A


on this form part C , question 1 person you are sponsoring (principle applicant), there is one place saying' country of nationality or of habitual residence, if different from country of birth I do not know what to put here?my situation is that my parents are currently with me here in canada for visiting and do I need to put my currently canada address here? Please help to find the answer. thanks in advance!!

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多回复: question on sponsorship form 1344Asame question on 6 a). since my parents are here in canada now, can I put my address in this box? Thanks.

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多 2010-01-18#3 D 395 $0.00 question on 1344b sponsorship agreement formon this form there is only one place to put sponsored person's detail info, but I will sponsor both my parents, so may i know if i need to fill this form twice with one put my father's info and the other input my mom's info or i need only to fill out one form with my father's info, who is the principle applicant? Thanks so much.

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多回复: question on 1344b sponsorship agreement formnobody knows?

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多回复: question on sponsorship form 1344Ano answer?

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多回复: question on sponsorship form 1344A只填写主申请的信息,常住地填中国(他们现在在加拿大只视为短期visitor)。

回复: question on sponsorship form 1344Abut what I see from the form 6 b) is that ---if the above address is not in the country of nationality of the person you are sponsoring, has that person been lawfully admitted for a period of at least one year in the country where he or she is living? Does that mean I can put my current canada address to 6 a) if both my parents living here with me longer than one year? Thanks for clerification!!

2001.3 BJfn2002.11 ys5.52003.8 新法2004.11 体检,补料 2005.3.15 12->132005.3.18 13->32005.3.22 北京取签2005.3.23 3->17 cic dm2005.6.24登陆多伦多回复: question on sponsorship form 1344A如果超过一年,可以填加拿大地址,6b为yes。

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