加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民含泪跪求帮助啊...
大家好! 申请父母移民表格IMM1283我真的不知道怎么填了,有知道的能不能帮助我一下? 谢谢您了!!! IMM1283表一共不是6页吗,由于我单身所以填前4页就可以了. 但现在的问题是 第2页 和第4页我根本不明白是什么意思. 第2页的details of your family members and persons included in undertakings in effect or not yet in effect signed by you and ,if applicable,your co-signer然后下面就是3B iersons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are still in effect 3B iiersons included in previous undertakings you signed as a sponsor and that are not yet in effect 3B iiiersons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are still in effect 3B iv:ersons included in previous undertakings you co-signed and that are not yet in effect 请问上面这4项我应该怎么填?说明一下我是单身.... 确实实在是不会填了有没有知道怎么填的朋友告诉我一下?谢谢您了!!!
回复: 含泪跪求帮助啊...您以前作为担保人或者共同担保人,签署过类似担保移民的合同吗?如果有,就要填写;如果没有,就不符合这些条款。我的个人看法,请您参考!祝您一切顺利!
·生活百科 房屋风力发电。
·生活百科 间隔计与智能计