加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?
去年一年拿的maternaty EI,在计算申请父母团聚移民的收入时候,能加入家庭收入吗?谢谢!
回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?能点击展开...我怎么觉得不能呢???
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.能点击展开...No!
回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?我知道regular EI是不能作为收入证明的.但是Maternaty EI就不清楚了!
回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?从CIC上解读 Maternity EI是可以做为income来sponsor父母团聚的, 但是12C我就不理解是什么意思了: 12. Calculation of income based on the “Option-C Printout”12.A ― Print the amount that appears at line 150 of the last notice of assessment (“Option-C Printout”) issued to you by CRA for the most recent taxation year.12.B ― Enter all of the following payments that were included in line 150 of your notice of assessment, add them up and print the total:Provincial instruction or training allowance;Social assistance paid by a province;Employment insurance: only maternity, parental and sickness benefits paid under the Employment Insurance Act are considered income. Other payments such a employment insurance and federal training allowances are not considered as income; and Guaranteed income supplement paid under the Old Age Security Act.12.C ― Deduct the total entered at 12.B (line 6) from the amount at 12.A (line 1). The result 12.C is your total income as per the simplified method of calculation. 请有经验的大侠给解释一下,谢谢了!
回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?产金EI算. I am sure.
回复: 父母团聚移民,Maternaty EI能加进收入证明吗?这个算入18. I am presently on maternity benefits. Will this benefit earned be considered forthe Minimum Necessary Income?Yes. However, Unemployment Insurance benefits due to job loss are not considered.请看我前面发的一个建议加精的帖子,里面有解答。虽然排版不好
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