加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??
补材料后,我等了好久却等到这个。UCI我原来就有,APPLICATION NO第一次收到,是做什么用的啊?有个小插曲,补料是用CANADAPOST的签名快递,以前用网上都有几点受到和接受人签名。这次没有写几点,也没有签名,只说5月23日寄到了。打电话问,说能查到的和我看到的一样。所以我一直担心材料没寄到。现在离要求补料的信快90天了,这封EMAIL是不是说明还没收到材料的意思啊?烦恼啊。。。CANADAPOST垃圾啊,这已经不是第一次了。。。原文如下,有没有收到过一样邮件的啊? UCI: 3******3Application No.: F********6Quote these numbers when corresponding with our office. This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message. Dear MY NAME, This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2009/04/15. When should I contact CIC?You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual• Decision to withdraw your applicationTo notify CIC of changes to your application, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions.asp, select the office stated below, and follow the directions for “Case Specific Enquiry.”When will CIC contact me?CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents, or an interview. For general guidance on what to expect, you can visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications and consult the “What happens next” section of the instruction guide associated with the application form you used. How do I check the status of my application?You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number above to check the status of your application on the CIC website. Please visit www.cic.gc.ca/english and in the “I Need To ...” section on the right-hand side of the page, select “Check application status.” How long will it take to process my application?Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application. How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:• For information on language assessment and training, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-language-training.asp • For information on employment, visit www.credentials.gc.ca and www.workingincanada.gc.ca• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomersWe trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful. CPC MississaugaP.O. Box 6100, Station AMississauga, ONL5A 4H4www.cic.gc.ca •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This is an automated message. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this message. By providing your e-mail address on your application form, you authorized CIC to transmit your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address. Please ensure that this e-mail address is checked regularly. Any e-mails sent to you by CIC will end in “@cic.gc.ca” or “@international.gc.ca.” Please add these to your “safe senders” list in your email program and check the junk mail folder in case important emails get filtered. If CIC is advised that the e-mail address you provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicate with you by mail. Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If you do not wish us to communicate with you by e-mail, please notify us at your earliest convenience. In the absence of such notification, your consent is assumed. Should you choose to allow us to communicate by e-mail, we will not take any additional security measures (such as encryption). The contents of this message may contain confidential and/or privileged subject matter. Any use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If this message has been received in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies.
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??给了Application Number应该是开始受理申请了。
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??给了Application Number应该是开始受理申请了。点击展开...但是我没有收到任何其他的邮件或信件说收到补料啊,网上也只是APPLICATION RECEIVED,这个一直都是这样,没变。。。
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??我的担保通过的信就是这样子的,接下来1-2个月就给体检通知了
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??但是我没有收到任何其他的邮件或信件说收到补料啊,网上也只是APPLICATION RECEIVED,这个一直都是这样,没变。。。点击展开...我和你一样,只收到这封Email,没有任何表明CIC收到了补料和补料完整等书面信件~昨天上网,状态由原来的一行变成了两行,新增的那行变成2个application received,原来的那行没变(一个application received, 一个N/A)~~也莫名其妙了半天~~ 刚才又跑去查了一下,现在变成一行了,2个application received..
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.我和你一样,只收到这封Email,没有任何表明CIC收到了补料和补料完整等书面信件~昨天上网,状态由原来的一行变成了两行,新增的那行变成2个application received,原来的那行没变(一个application received, 一个N/A)~~也莫名其妙了半天~~ 刚才又跑去查了一下,现在变成一行了,2个application received..点击展开...是这样吗?你收到这EMAIL后大概多久网上状态变的?谢谢你们,这样我心里有了一点儿底,我还在考虑要不要重新再寄一次。
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??我和你一样,只收到这封Email,没有任何表明CIC收到了补料和补料完整等书面信件~昨天上网,状态由原来的一行变成了两行,新增的那行变成2个application received,原来的那行没变(一个application received, 一个N/A)~~也莫名其妙了半天~~ 刚才又跑去查了一下,现在变成一行了,2个application received..点击展开...对了,你也是2012 3月30日要求补料这一批的吗?
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??对了,你也是2012 3月30日要求补料这一批的吗?点击展开...我家也是3月30号收到补料信的这批。不过,我是5月25日才邮寄出去补料,所以,目前还不知道具体会怎么变,还没收到Email。
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??对了,你也是2012 3月30日要求补料这一批的吗?点击展开...没错,我是3月30号收到补料信那批的~~
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.我家也是3月30号收到补料信的这批。不过,我是5月25日才邮寄出去补料,所以,目前还不知道具体会怎么变,还没收到Email。点击展开...你时间和我的很近啊,我的补料大概是5月23日寄到CIC的,你的如果是快递应该是26日到,这几天也该有消息了,到时候来UPDATE一下啊。楼上的,你能不能告诉我你收到这个EMAIL后多久发现网上状态便了啊,你的EMAIL是哪天收到的?谢谢!
回复: 补料近一个月后收到这个EMAIL是什么意思??楼上的,你能不能告诉我你收到这个EMAIL后多久发现网上状态便了啊,你的EMAIL是哪天收到的?谢谢!点击展开...是问我么?我上面已经说了呀~~那就再update一下吧,我最后寄出补料的时间比你晚几天,5月28号CIC收到,然后大概6月13号收到Email,18号查两个AR(也就是一周左右,含周六日)。之后一周比较忙,一直没查,昨天22号查,一个DM,一个AR了~~所以你也快了哦~~~
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