加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民体检后交 护照原件 还是 副本?
[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]相互矛盾,我到底该听谁的呀? 北京使馆信:[FONT=Arial,Bold][FONT=Arial,Bold]you need to return this proof to the embassy with copy of your original passport.[/FONT][/FONT]We will request original passports when your application reaches the final stage. 体检须知:Upon completion of the examination the clinic will provide you with proof that you have taken the examination, this document MUST be submitted to the embassy with your passport.体检已完成的证明将在体检结束时由诊所提供给你,此证明必须连同你的护照一并递交到使馆。[/FONT][/FONT]
回复: 体检后交 护照原件 还是 副本?奇怪,看来每个人的信都不一样。。。This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. Please send the followingdocuments and RETURN THIS FORM WITH THE REQUESTED DOCUMENTS.此函是有关你前往加拿大的永久居住申请。请递交下列注的材料,并将此信一同寄回:ORIGINAL passport for you and all your accompanying dependantscarry out our medical instructions at one of our designated medical practitioners, for you and yourdependants ? Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Uponcompletion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken theexamination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport.我的信上要求的是护照原件
回复: 体检后交 护照原件 还是 副本?我的信也是这么写的,我就交了原件,复印件要的话他自个复印去,哈哈
07年6月 申请.2010年12月转香港.2012年5月9 ME.2012年6月1 MER.2012年12月大信封回复: 体检后交 护照原件 还是 副本?我的信也是原件
2009-05-11 收到申请,2012-03-30要求补材料,2012-5-30 sponsorship 通过转北京,2012-08-14 收到email体检和交passport,2012-08-20 体检,2012-09-03 MER,2013-01-08 decision made, 2013-01-17 毕业回复: 体检后交 护照原件 还是 副本?09年和07年申请的既然都差不多 看来香港真的很慢
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