加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ugent! please help!
Hello everyone, my parents's passports were mailed to Beijing for the visa return, my mom is in China, my dad is visiting here, and i had applied him extended visa on line, just got letter he got approval for another year, but requested him to do another medical exam. He did immigration ME already in April, so what should i do now?anyone had same experiences? sorry i am at work, cant type Chinese here. Thank you !
回复: ugent! please help!My mom had her imm ME done in middle of Aug and I applied her extension visa in middle of Sep. When I sent her visa extension application, i attached the imm ME receipt for their referrence. Since they processed the mailed visa extension so slow, my application is still in the waiing line and I have no idea if that works. My suggestion is you can email to ask or just mail the imm ME receipt to the visa office since the ME is still in valid period.
回复: ugent! please help!My mom had her imm ME done in middle of Aug and I applied her extension visa in middle of Sep. When I sent her visa extension application, i attached the imm ME receipt for their referrence. Since they processed the mailed visa extension so slow, my application is still in the waiing line and I have no idea if that works. My suggestion is you can email to ask or just mail the imm ME receipt to the visa office since the ME is still in valid period.点击展开... thanks.. I have been trying to call in, but the line is always busy. and I know even I emailed them, will never get reply. some people told me i could just igore it, since they were getting visa and passport return, but still prefer i can get confirmation.. ( yes, I should copied a recipt of their ME when i submited my dad's extended vistor visa like you did)
回复: ugent! please help!I think you have 90 days to do the medical exams. Maybe you can just land before the 90 days deadline. I am not sure and you'd better to call CIC to figure it out.
回复: ugent! please help!I am sure you can use your medical exams for immigration for the visiting extension. You should write a letter, including their request letter to let them know you have done the medical exams (with the detail, like where you did it, the number, and so on).
回复: ugent! please help!I think you have 90 days to do the medical exams. Maybe you can just land before the 90 days deadline. I am not sure and you'd better to call CIC to figure it out.点击展开...Thanks! finally i was able to connect the CIC this afternoon, the agent told me if we already sent the passport to embassy, and did our ME in April, should have no problem, but better I emailed or sent the letter right away, explained to them that my dad did ME already, and also is waiting for the immigration visa, just keep the record in case we need to show them when my dad land in White Rock.
回复: ugent! please help!Hello everyone, my parents's passports were mailed to Beijing for the visa return, my mom is in China, my dad is visiting here, and i had applied him extended visa on line, just got letter he got approval for another year, but requested him to do another medical exam. He did immigration ME already in April, so what should i do now?anyone had same experiences? sorry i am at work, cant type Chinese here. Thank you !点击展开... Call the relevant party asking for the details!
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