加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于回邮邮资和信封
昨天晚上刚刚收到email,通知寄护照到北京。父母现在加拿大探亲。信中没有提到需要提供回邮邮资和信封,可是以前看到这里的同学都有提供回邮邮资和信封的,原文如下:Return of your Passport(s)Passport(s) and permanent residence documentation cannot be picked up in person. The passport(s) will be mailed to you. When submitting your passport, please also include the mailing address where you wish to have your passport(s) mailed to and a contact telephone number. If the address is in the People’s Republic of China, please include the address in Chinese characters.有哪位同学给解解惑,不胜感激!
回复: 关于回邮邮资和信封昨天晚上刚刚收到email,通知寄护照到北京。父母现在加拿大探亲。信中没有提到需要提供回邮邮资和信封,可是以前看到这里的同学都有提供回邮邮资和信封的,原文如下:Return of your Passport(s)Passport(s) and permanent residence documentation cannot be picked up in person. The passport(s) will be mailed to you. When submitting your passport, please also include the mailing address where you wish to have your passport(s) mailed to and a contact telephone number. If the address is in the People’s Republic of China, please include the address in Chinese characters.有哪位同学给解解惑,不胜感激!点击展开...提供回邮邮资的好像都是护照寄西雅图的,寄北京的都没有这个要求。
回复: 关于回邮邮资和信封北京香港都不要回邮邮资的,只要按要求附上地址贴就行了他们是寄平邮挂号过来的,要有人签收的.所以也不怕会丢
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